What part of the bible is most disturbing to you?

by crownboy 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    ***all I ask for... that folks give JAH the benefit of the doubt, and not declare Him guilty, based on the Bible, before He has proved Himself innocent. ***

    Gee you could have saved yourself alot of typing......sounds reasonable to me. BTW any discussion of the bible god Jehovah, Jah, Adonai, Lord, is seperate and distinct from the 'creator' I still believe in. That belief not reliant upon any written or verbal tradition, just simply my own observations of the world around me.


  • Sabine
    And love does not necessarily mean "affection." It means that although their actions toward YOU were despicable, you, though, should not let that dictate the kind of person YOU are: if you see them hungry, feed them; naked, cloth them; homeless, house them. And if you can't do that, then at least pray for them... for by doing so, you release YOURSELF... and heap fiery coals on their heads. For they will have judged... themselves.

    Aguest, I agree with you up to the pray for them, fiery coals and judgement part. But my point is I came to this understanding on my own. The bible doesn't provide loop holes and special circumstance clauses when it makes arbritary statements. And most fundamental religions take the Bible literally.

    Again, to stay on topic, my disagreement is with the Bible, certainly not God.

    Thanks for your kind efforts in discussing this topic, I wish you much peace and joy!

    Sabine (no one's slave, but an equal partner in divinity)

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