Before I confess to my rediculous weakness, I just want to assure everyone that I've been out for over 20 yrs - disfed for apostasy - that's true apostasy, as I stopped believing in God. I (& hubby) were disfed in 1981. Never met another apostate or read anything apostate when we left. Thought our way out unaided. I don't have much residual baggage (that I'm aware of). I think the WTS is barking mad - that's putting them in a kind light. But then that was one of the things I'd said to my brother who assisted the judicial committee.
Yesterday I watched the video of the Aussie version of Dateline and Panorama. (excellent stuff btw) Anyhoo, when they show all those wholesome little dubbies sitting at the convention dutifully listening to the speaker I feel irrationally drawn in. I feel the old pull. It's like I'm transported back in time and I'm not thinking, I'm responding to old emotion. I believe my conversion to dubdom was very emotive. I was influenced by an ideal of what I thought they represented. When I found it was all smoke and mirrors I snapped out of it, but when I get a glimse of them, back at the coal face as it were, it seems to trigger a brief but undeniable warm fuzzy feeling. Then I listen to the speaker and then I snap out of it. Same old, same old, manipulation. THE antidote!
I wonder if I'm alone in this momentary reaction?