Am I the only 'fruit cake" here?
I'm a-thinkin' it depends on who you ask: there are those here who think I'm one, but, hey... what do they know?
As for the "warm fuzzies," I must admit that the ONLY feeling I get, when I see JWs out on the street, when I see a WT or AW, when I see photos of the Bethel Buildings, when I hear about their conventions and assemblies, etc., etc., etc.... is SICK! Truly. My stomach "turns". Folks have tried to get me to read the magazines to show what new lie or misleading doctrine they're now telling, but even for that reason... I can't. Even to just hold a WT is nauseating to me.
Why? I can't explain it other than to say it's because I know (1) who they really are, (2) why they're really here, (3) what they're really doing, and (4) who they're really doing it for:
1. False prophets, scribes and Pharisees;
2. To mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones;
3. Killing the prophets, shutting up the kingdom of the heavens before men, stoppin the "little children" from coming to the CHRIST... and waging war against the remaining ones of the seed;
4. Their "father", the Devil, whose children they evidence themselves as being by judging and condemning, by HATING not only their enemies, but their brothers as well, even "murdering" the latter.
And it just makes me sick. THEY make me sick. Not the poor misled and misguided "sheep" (oh, how my heart ACHES for them!), but the wicked "hired man" (the GB, and their DOs, COs and elders) who always abandons the sheep to the wolf. THEY make me sick. Pepto Bismol/Alka Seltzer sick.
May YOU all... have peace!
A slave of Christ,