Can psychic energy heal?

by kenpodragon 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    Recently I was watching a documentary on this woman who claimed that she could heal people with the power of her mind. The documentary went into interviewing people about their experiences, and many of them actually had medical signs of improvement that could be documented and shown. While watching this, I was seeing it as a example of psychic energy healing someone?

    The difference is though, I did not see the woman doing it. I felt that it happened like this. These people came to this woman and felt she was a healer. They had read about her, saw her on television and strongly believed in her ability. So when they went before her and she touched them, I do think in many ways they connected to energy and felt a healing. How is that?

    I think the power of the mind can do amazing things. Yes, it gives us the power to speak, and the power to think. Why can it not give us the power to make changes in our body. One time I set at a table and bet a man I could make a glass move across the table with the power of my mind. He thought I was full of crap, and took the bet. I set in front of the glass for a second, took a deep breath and said to my wife "move that glass for me!" She did, and thus I won. Why do I say that?

    The mind is not so much about the power you emit from it in something invisible and unseen force, as much as the power you have to actually use what you know. My mind created the words, the plan and executed them. Yes, it was less dramatic then some demonstration people wanted to see. Yet it proved a point.

    That point being that we can influence others to do something we want them to. We can actually control our environment in a simple way, to have major actions. Basically that is like turning the light switch to a larger power. If the mind can tell another person to move a glass, then can it tell the body to heal itself?

    Depends, did you believe the glass would move when I asked my wife to move it? Yes! Why, because you can see it done and it makes sense. That is the key, you can visualize it. You can see it done in your head, and thus the action seems believable. Believing in something has great power for the mind. Thus the very true statement we hear all the time of "the power of prayer", which is very true and along this line of thinking. Because a faith in a higher power, is something engrained from youth and accepted as real.

    So what am I getting at here. It is this, the mind can heal and it can direct that healing in others. It does this through a faith in the possibility, and acceptance of the path and outcome. Some will give contradiction to this, yet in doing so they are making the situation worse. Sounds so simple doesn't, "believe and all things are possible." Yet, do you accept that?

    So when I sit this evening watching this program on this woman and her power to heal. I did believe what she was doing was possible, and I was not surprised that she was able to back these up with medical evidence. For you see, "you should never underestimate the power of a positive mind."

    My thought


  • Robdar


    Another woman on this DB is sending me Reiki energy. She did not tell me when she was going to start doing it or if she would do it at all.

    One day, while sitting at my computer, I felt a very warm feeling pour over me. It enveloped me and gave me a tremedous energy rush. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what it was. A couple of days later, she came into chat. I then remembered that she had told me a few weeks before that she may send some energy my way when she got my picture. I never sent her the pic but while we were in chat I asked her if she had sent me the energy the previous afternoon. She said yes. I had felt it when she did it.

    I believe that she has sent me more of the Reiki healing although I haven't asked her. The thing is, my endometriosis has cleared up and I have more energy. I feel very good. This is something the physician was never able to do for me.

    Because I did not know when she was going to send the energy or if she would actually send it my way, I do not believe that it is the power of my mind that has healed me. I believe it is my friend in England that has worked this miracle in my life.



  • Sirona


    I think that you are right about the power of our own minds. Positive thinking helps a lot when you are sick.

    However, I do think that healing energy can be used without your knowledge, as Robdar said. I too had a very calm feeling wash over me recently when I was ill. It turned out that the coven I associate with were sending me healing energy.

    I believe that we can affect our reality with our minds and people do not have to believe in it to experience the effects of it. That is just based on my previous experiences. Of course, many people think its a load of rubbish. lol.


  • Salud

    Last week my wife and I were at a workshop that discussed Reiki healing and it was very interesting. More than the power of the mind at work here. We here in 'western society' live in a life that is very sheltered from what is really out there.

    I am glad to have the freedom now without the fear of being sanctioned by a religion or be labeled demonic to explore these and other concepts and beleifs and see for myself what lies beyond being a Witness. I commend everyone else who is going down this path or at least thinking about it, more power to you.


  • gumby

    Hey KD,.....I think the power of the mind can do amazing things.

    I think you hit the nail on the head.

    Placebo's are fake drugs they give to people who think they are REAL drugs. People who THINK they have taken the real thing respond as though it were the real thing. Yes, the mind can actually effect us physically. Old women can lift cars off of their loved one when the jack slips. Some people KNOW when a DISTANT relative is has just been killed or badly injured.....BEFORE someone calls and tells them.

    The mind can do amazing things. Perhaps in the case you was not the healer who healed.......but rather the person with the ailment.

  • Marilyn

    Our neigbhour was diagnosed with stomach cancer when she was about 38 yrs old. She had 3 girls under 12. At the time our community was heavily into Reiki, so there was a lot of sessions performed on her. She died within a few months. I'm sure it gave her hope at the time but if it bought her time it was miniscule.

    Sometimes you hear amazing stories about alternative medicines curing someone with cancer. I'm not sure if it's the change in diet and lifestyle or whether it's the person's strong belief in what they are doing that cures them. I know these miracles happen very rarely.

    Faith can move mountains. Literally. That's because it's religious belief that inspires incredible feats. e.g. Stonehenge, Easter Island, the Pyramids etc etc. All done because of strong belief. As to whether this belief can cure a disease within. I suppose it can occasionally.


  • Realist

    sorry guys but from a scientific viewpoint its nonsense. neither is there any evidence that it works nor does there exist any theoretical back ground for it.

    as long as its for free go ahead and try it...but please don't spend a dime on it!

    Edited by - realist on 30 September 2002 12:53:51

  • plmkrzy

    I absolutely believe it. Not that "another" person literally does the healing, but the influence ones own mind has on our ability to heal is remarkable.

  • Mulan
    sorry guys but from a scientific viewpoint its nonsense. neither is there any evidence that it works nor does there exist any theoretical back ground for it.

    You have a right to your opinion.................ignorant as it may be. But, it's your right.

    I get to hating threads like this one, because of this kind of stupid comment. Are you listening? People have been helped by it. What evidence do you want??

  • Realist

    hi mulan,

    its a placebo.

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