Thanks, Joanna! You've made my day!
Can psychic energy heal?
by kenpodragon 108 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, i read the links i posted. I didn't mean that each one of those guys were legit. I posted them to show what randi is like. I have read quite a few issues of the skeptical inquirer mag also. So, while i'm glad about the frauds that randi exposes, i think that he would do everything and anything in his power to stop a real extraordinay event or a real ability above the ordinary from being demonstrated.
Sorry you find my thought so disturbing. So I guess what you are saying, is that if I do not agree with
you, I must be wrong.
Glad I do not feel that way.
My thought
No, that's not what he said at all. I thought his response was reasonable and quite well thought out. Do you have an actual criticism of his post, other than the fact that you don't agree? If you decide to respond, it would be appreciated if you responded to exactly what he said and not to a caricature of his words.
I'm not trying to be annoying... I'm really interested in this discussion and I'm interested in your perspective - because to me... I really can't understand why someone would want to think the way that you do. Not that we all have to think the same way - just that it is completely foreign to me and I'm trying to understand where you are coming from.
You did not offend me and no one on here had. I have been busy at work and was on here at the time. (bad boy!) I did not get to put a full thought into it.
Take Care
PS : I am just shocked this thread I started has gone on so long.
I will elaborate now. I do not hold John Edwards, or Silvia Brown as people I admire. Although I know they are in the spot light a lot and thus they get mentioned often. I don't really care much about what people say on them, as they are just not in the same line of thinking as me.
I have a hard time when people will say something is completely wrong, when they have not taken the seminars I have taken, researched what I have researched and experienced what I have experienced. For example, if I tell you I live in a cabin near a river in the woods. You would accept that for face value, but to truly believe it you would need to come to that cabin and see at that I described in person. Otherwise, my frame of reference is more grounded in what I am talking about then yours. Because basically, I am there and you are just seeing it in words.
I study two methods of psychic energy and healing. One is Huna, which is Shamanism from the Hawaiian Islands. The other is based on the Silva Ultra Mind System, based on the research of Jose Silva. Neither of them are a religion, only a philosophy. If you do not feel it, then you do not believe it. I also practice some methods of Wicca, and other Shamanism methods. The majority is Shamanism. All of which have nothing to do with Silvia Brown or John Edwards.
So like I said, I was really just trying to offer a added thought. Those people can make money off of their abilities for years, and people will question them all their days. In all, it will never affect me.
Take Care
Edited by - kenpodragon on 4 October 2002 0:47:11
Singing Man
Yes, I have seen it heal, my daughter Spring does it at will sometimes. Sometimes she raises my eyebrows. Shane,
WHAT ****
John Edwards
This guy is a con artist...Just ask eric cartman