Another psychic took him up on the offer, and he had a group there, who only spoke German. She couldn't do a thing. He said it was a big "win" for him, but he cheated. He is a charlatan, who will do all he can to make them fail. JMHO
Why would a psychic need to speak the same language as the subjects? Are the spirits monolingual? This would only be necessary if the 'psychic' needed oral feedback ala "cold reading". It was a clever control to keep the psychic from cheating... and the once the psychic knew that her normal cold reading tricks would not work, she gave up.
Anyway, the spirits don't seem to 'talk' to the mediums anymore. That went out of fashion a few years ago. Now they just give hints: "I'm feeling pain in the chest or some type of head trauma", "I'm seeing an M... anyone with an M name in the audience?". The spirits seem to be pretty vague. Unfortunately, true believers will take the most ridiculous comments as a hit. "Anyone from France here... someone just came from Europe?"... After a long pause an audience member says "I was just in Vegas and they have a model of the Eiffel Tower there." I'm serious.. I could not make this stuff up!
The Randi challenge is very exhaustive in its setup and both parties have to completely agree with the conditions... It's not all Randi's show... in fact he is never the judge - the tests are usually set up so that no subjective judging is necessary. So the psychic knew up front that any cold reading techniques would be controlled and accepted the challenge anyhow.