Hi Martin: Interesting post. The topic has gotten me into some unfortunate exchanges in the past ...
I see a number of board members alluding to the elders as antagonists. This is amoral. There is an inference that these ones ( elders ) can think for themselves, they cannot.
This is a two-edged sword. To claim one was only following orders was found to be insufficient defense at the Nuremburg trials. Yet, except for failure to report child abuse and molestation, JW Elders by and large do not commit crimes. They, like other JWs are emotioinally and mentally committed to a religious belief system ... a system that causes them to act in ways that are not normal ... to hurt others in ways that they otherwise would not hurt ... because they believe it is God's will.
You ex- elders who elicit winsome words of wisdom on this board, recall when you were serving faithfully and were in possession of your KMS textbook book how did you feel? Superior perhaps? because you were privy to information that the R&F did not have?
This point especially got me into trouble. My own experience and that of many Elders I knew and worked with was not one where we felt "superior" for having the 'Flock' book or access to and involvement with other 'inside' information. I rarely used my "Flock" book, and, like most Elders soon realized it was merely a convenience tool of compiled information that was largely already available to average JWs in the Watchtower and other publications. Soem of the information was unique, but mostly the notes we were instructed orally to take when the Society held KM Schools for Elders.
Lets be honest and without fear of contradiction the majority of Elders are scared shitless of loosing their coveted position, they would not for a mille second contemplate going against the GB.
Yes, let's be honest and not categorically judge and assume anything about ALL JW Elders. There are many sides to this story. Many Elders diagree with the Society, at least in part, and are quietly working for reform. Some are hangin on in hopes of reform. Some are biding their time to get their family out, and then they are gone (this was my own case) ... some are avid loyalist who believe that every syllable dripping from the mouth of the GB is the Inspired Word of God. All of this scenarios are but a few, and none consider fear of losing one's position. Yes, I suppose some Elders undoubtedly fear losing their position - but I cannot think of a way in which this would be the case.
The Circuit overseer comes along ( A wondering itinerant) waves his big stick do or else and most of them cave in. Its so sad.
This feature is part of the "Oral" tradition I have posted about. The CO makes life difficult at times, especially for reform-minded Elders, and even the avid loyalist who thought they were following the rules exactly only to discover things changed with the new CO. It is not a matter of a 'big stick' but a matter of either being a loyalist, thus accepting the CO as the Holy Representative of the GB and thus of God, or simply putting up with the CO because there does not appear a way out of the mess.
A lone reform-minded JW Elder can do little to change things, and mostly lives in hope. Several refom-mined Elders in the same Congregation may not know some of their fellow Elders are also wanting reform ... and even when they do, they have to act carefully ... but in some cases, they do get the opportunity and have managed to break away from the Society, e.g. the Bonham, Texas congregation.
Unfortunately most Elders are closer to being loyalist ... so it is not a matter of suffering under any big stick in fear of losing anything ... they simply believe in and support the system, a system they think of as GOD's ORGANIZATION.
So my point is this: Stop attacking the Elders they are merely pawns used by the GB disposable dispensable. For goodness sake 2 elders on my committee who disfellowshipped me were my so called friends. One of them I brought into the truth studied with him. The other I mentored until the day I left. These men did not want to Disfellowship me to the contrary one of them broke down in tears. They did what they were told to do.
Your point is well taken and partly correct ... except that these men also act the way they do because they BELIEVE in the system they are loyal to. Like you, one of my Bible Studies who had progressed to Eldership also shuns me, not because he has the facts of both sides of the issue, but because once he learned of my status, he loyally obeyed the religious system. I have absolutely no doubt that IF HE KNEW THE FACTS he would act differently, and find himself leaving the religion, abandoning all loyalty to it.
It is my contention that JWs, and Elders included, are good normal people who are being defrauded and lied to ... and would never subscribe to their system if they cold get the facts.
I was high profile, media spokesperson PO etc...
Good. I was not a 'high profile' Elder. If you were high profile that means you had to have been an Elder a good number of years, proving your loyalty, or being good at keeping your mouth shut, biding your time ... in any case, you should relate well to the points I make.
These men cant think for themselves, they are not allowed to. Stop attacking these lambs. They are puppets to be used and discarded. Now I know this post is going to infuriate some of you who have been on the receiving end of unjust elders, however before you reply think of the vein in which this post is threaded.
I would not refer to the Elders as "Lambs" ... but "Unwitting Pawns" is a suitable term ... they are mostly defrauded and lied to like anyone else ... some Elders who have woked more closely to the inside of the organization may have knowledge that increases their culpability. I believe that much of it depends on their motive ... some are clear liars, such as the fellow Elder who instructed me to "believe anything I want, but keep my trap shut." Obviously, he was acting more deliberately and with malice of forethought. Most JW Elders are not of this ilk, and are duped as are the rank and file members. The evidence for this is how we act upon learning the truth about the Troof. We leave it.
Jim Whitney, former JW Elder