this is an interesting post and there really is no easy answer, but i will say this,being a Former Society Man, not just an Elder - i have somewhat a different perspective
in my exp the avg elder is about as dumb as a door nail when it comes to how policy and rules are made. while there are some who serve out of position, most of the elders i know served feeling that it was a reflection of their appreciation of spiritual things
as a little kid i was told that jehovah wanted me to reach out, so to have the desire to serve was not out wanting to showboat but out of a desire to help, and like many elders i tried to help, the problem is THE SYSTEM makes it impossible.
I believed in the FDS concept and therefore WHAT WAS IN PRINT was as if it was from god himself.
the entire manner in which jw are taught really goes to the heart and soul of a matter
a few weeks ago the thread about if someone dies did we ask WAS IT A WITNESS-
shows how we are able to literally overlook other folks and not have a second thought about it
when i was a kid my mom and the 4 of us were treated like shit cause my mom was a single parent with an unbelieving husband, on sunday we would hear about the gathering that we didn;t get invited to on Sat and that shit hurt-
my mom would go out in service and she was made to work with her 4 little black kids, i always had to work with my sister, here i was 12, 13 and my sister was 8 or 9 taking doors while my other 2 younger bro where with my mom
she got very little encouragement
my mom was a good looking woman and many elders wives felt that my mom wanted their husbands - when in fact she was trying to leave my dad and they were advising
so i made up my mind that if i ever was an elder i would never treat single women and kids like that
so i always made a point to invite a single parent or their kids with me and Lady "C" whenever i gave a talk- after awhile the kids would come up and ask, can i go with you on the next talk-
and they would go and have their mag lesson prepared and they would comment like they never did back home
i tried to make the truth something for young folks to love, i saw in the hood what happened to young black men -in jail -selling drugs, young ladies getting knocked up at 13 and 14 and so Lady "C" and i tried to do something- we started a bowling day ONE SAT A MONTH - we were having over 70 folks out in service ( EVERYONE KNOWS YOU CAN;T PLAY IF YOU DON'T GO IN SERVICE) SMILE
even old folks were coming even though they didn't play THE FRIENDS JUST WANTED TO ENJOY A LITTLE OF LIFE
WELL the CO rolls in and we got shut down as he told me if that many folks can go bowling then they can support Afternoon Witnessing --DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU JUST CAN'T DO NOTHING - we had over 40 single women in our hall 25-45 hungry women looking for a man (OK I had to go there-smile)
anyway my wife was having a sorta "Ladies"night out once a month on friday
so 15-20 of the girls would go out to a fridays, red lobster, etc and they would eat drink and yea talk about men, but Hell NO!!! - they got turned in by some Prune of a sister and once again we got another wonderful activity SHUT DOWN
IN my exp the vast majority of elders were just FLUNKIES most never even knew what half of the wt policies were on issues many would just shoot from the hip and off the top of thier heads
so even by wt standards they were subpar, but of course they were allowed to stay-
once an elder comes to know what we know and they then say stuff like
I ain't rocking the boat, or as one elder who knows this org is bogus told me
why bite the hand that feeds you-
once a person learns the real deal and decides to stay FOR THEIR POSITION AND TITLE AND GLORY - THEN THEY SHOULD BE DOGGED
but as we have seen over and over, some stay to try and change things or help others get out and after awhile they end up leaving realizing that there is only so much that you can really do to help and reform is a joke REFORM TO WHAT??
OTHERS stay cause they have an exit date and plan in the works
for us we planned a 6 month drift program - smile
so are elders responisible, i would say yes and esp those who know the deal like your jr browns and many local men who are well aware of the real deal
but in my view if there are 95,000 congo 4-6 elders per hall you got 500,000 plus elders
how many of them really are sharp enough to figure out the real deal, the vast majority are "Cheese Cracker Men" anyway so this elder stuff is the best thing since slice bread for them-
i read so many post up here and in most cases we are talking about elders in Western countries and i just shudder to think what it must be like to be in some Backward country, 3rd world whatever you want to call it and you got the Cheese Cracker men in charge where your top elder has a 5th grade education
you know the local jw are in deep DO DO