Why do many ..'lock' their mail?

by gumby 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Open your damn mail guys!

    I was wondering why you guys do this? Take a damn box from yahoo just for mail from this site or something!

    Often times I want to, ask someone a question off this forum, or ask something personal, or thank someone. Many have locked mail. Why?

    If it's because they don't want to get flooded with mail.........if your like me....you won't have to worry.

    I have only gotten a few in the year and a half I've been here. Damn...am I that boring?

  • TR

    They must be paranoid. Or, just don't want to read bad things in their email, or just too stupid to set one up.


  • kenpodragon

    Posting allows us to control the whole show of what we want to do online, when we unlock our e-mail it is like opening up to something more, that we might not be ready for.

    Just a thought


  • pomegranate

    Why do many ..'lock' their mail?

    Cause we can.

  • Prisca

    I've had my email open the whole time I've been on this board, yet I haven't encountered any problems. In fact, it's a good way for people to write to me and express points they aren't comfortable revealing on the board. I have also established nice email friendships with those who have written to me, or those I have written to. This wouldn't have happened (or as easily) if their or my email addys were locked.

  • kenpodragon

    I can honestly say, I never really gave it much thought. I always figured if someone wanted my e-mail they would ask for it. Otherwise, I just kind of figured we all chat online and have fun.

    My thought


  • gumby

    TR, "They must be paranoid. Or, just don't want to read bad things in their email, or just too stupid to set one up".

    You tell em dude! No need to be paranoid.

    Prisca. That was my feelings exactly. Thanks for the input. Want an e-mail relationship sweetie? Just kiddin

  • wednesday

    They are fearful that the jw lurkers will get their e-mail address. I know that there was a list floating around for a while. I once had it in my possession. Not all of us are offically "out" of the org. and are afraid someone will be able to idnetifly us as hanging around apostate boards. If us wish to call that parnoid-go ahead but it is the truth. I remember hearing people talk about it in the mid 90's the wts was unoffically monitering the boards and there was indeed a list of supsected apostates. This was done to protect innocent jw form talking to apostates. There are people out her who want to talk onthe boards but stay in the org-at least offically.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Personaly, anything that I would really want to say I can say on here. I've emailed a few times but that's only when I chose to. This way nobody can bug me without me letting them. Yes, I know I could very easily set up a Yahoo account but then that would just be one more email that I would have to check and chances are it would only contain messages from people that I don't chose to communicate with. Cocky, I know and don't really care.

  • plmkrzy

    As many times as I've pssssd off various posters I've only had to lock my email twice, I yhink, and only briefly. Other then that all my email has always been possitive and always from nice posters.

    I was concerned at first about leaving it open but I'm glad I have otherwise I would have missed out oin a lot of good conversations.

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