Why do many ..'lock' their mail?

by gumby 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister

    TR: Yeah, I had hoped so. But I really did get a load of annoying spam from a certain poster here.
    I won't go there...
    Gumby: you want to write to me?
    See? I can be reasonable!
  • jack2

    I just recently unlocked my e-mail. I have only recently felt comfortable having it open. As wendy said, some are still "in" and therefore, yes, a little guarded about such things.

    There are some folks here who have been receiving e-mails from me and sending me e-mails for quite some time. I've had no problems and in fact enjoy the correspondance very much.

  • rocky220

    {why do you lock your mail?}

    Because there have been reports of e-mails sent with "virus" and other such "cooties" in them under the name of known members of this site, and guess what?....they did not send them, so being i just bought my computer and am still paying for it....i will protect it by any means necessary....you dont like it?......TOUGH!.......ROCKY220

  • ballistic

    I think the mention of virus is valid, not that I want to scare anyone not to open up their email, quite the contrary. But I do believe anyone who uses the net should educate themselves about viruses and get anti-virus software. Gone are the days of getting away without anti-virus software.

    I do agree with all the aforesaid, that even if you are incognito, why not open a hotmail account? Anyway, it's not as if you get flooded with either fan or hate mail. I very very rarely get emailed from the board and when I do, it's to say 'add me to your UK map thread'.

  • stichione

    It' probably a power trip thingy.


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