Why do many ..'lock' their mail?

by gumby 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister
    They must be paranoid. Or, just don't want to read bad things in their email, or just too stupid to set one up.

    Nice remark, Tom. And from a nice Northwest boy, too.

    I am neither paranoid, nor stupid. I have a "throw-away" e-mail which I use for online purchases, etc. I don't like it getting clogged up with crap, which I have gotten from people who harvest e-mails off this site. It takes time to take out the trash.

    If anyone needs to communicate with me privately, all they need do is ask. I've occasionally put an e-mail address within the text of a post when I felt someone wanted to make contact.

    When and to whom I choose to reveal my address is my own damned business.

  • onacruse

    I had my e-mail locked for about the first week, until I got comfortable with the forum. Haven't had any problems with unwelcome mail at all...the few dozen I've received have all been very welcomed.

    One thing: I'm d'f'd and never going back, so I have nothing to fear about being "discovered." In fact, I was thinking about asking Simon to change my handle to "CraigM"....aw, but what the heck. Everybody would have to get to know me all over again! LOL


  • RandomTask

    I also had my email locked early because I wanted to protect my identity, but after awhile I just figured "screw it" and opened it up so that if anyone wanted to contact me off the forum, they could do so. I have only gotten a couple of emails since I unlocked it though, so it hasn't been a problem as far as "spam" is concerned. For me personally, I don't mind communicating with others and I strive to keep open as many avenues as possible.

  • bikerchic

    It's just as easy to open a yahoo account in a bogus name just for this sight, I did. I'm way more comfy being here now than I was at first and welcome any emails I get from posters on this sight.

    CraigM? Who is that? I think I would like to get to know him.

    bc of the loves onacruse class

  • butalbee

    It's some people's personal preference. As for me: my email is open 24/7. Email me anytime.

  • TR


    I hope you know I was just being a wise-ass.


  • blondie

    I had mine locked for a long time. I was afraid I would get some angry messages. I feel more comfortable now so I unlocked it. I have gotten a couple of nice messages, no spam, and no hate mail.


  • TresHappy

    I locked my e-mail when I joined because my e-mail has my first and last name in it.

  • blondie

    tres, get a hotmail account.

  • gumby

    Not all of us are offically "out" of the org. and are afraid someone will be able to identify us as hanging around apostate boards. If us wish to call that parnoid-go ahead but it is the truth

    How will anyone identify you? You have a bogus name. Your extra mailbox used for this purpose only....need not have who you really are in the headers or who it came from....relax!

    Waseasier......no one said it was not your buisness for locking your mail. The question was asked why you lock them and I only wished people would have a mailbox that we may contact them. Do as you want.......I won't arrest you if you pick your way.....I promise!

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