I've been dealing with so much stuff lately, and thinking that I was "doing alright". I'm not on any medication. I have had emotional issues due to times of severe stress years ago, and took medication, but the main thing is, I worked through all of that. I've been at a very good place, so when this hit me last night, it shocked me. It was different from a panic attack, where there is the feeling that I can't breathe. This was just an intense feeling of lack of control over things in my life. A feeling of desperateness and uneasiness, which alarmed me. Just so much inside my head going round and round, and no solution.
For some problems there just is no answer I guess. I think I need to accept that, and stop trying to fit into everyone's projected "mold" for my behavior and reactions. Easier said than done.
I believe it has to do with two issues. First with the latest family tensions over the issues of abandonment and rejection surfacing, after mom is shunning me again, I can't seem to get back to that good place I have been in. Family members seem to be on different levels as to how to deal with "her". Then, in our area, we have a "Serial Sniper", who is picking off people at random, zeroing in on them, and killing them. It's up to seven confirmed cases. This is in the area where I live. It has suddenly become dangerous to go about normal activities, and yet, how can you possibly see someone from as far away as 650 ft. with a highpowered scope rifle? It's a very helpless feeling.
Last night I could not sleep. I laid awake, with so much going on in my head, and feelings of great despair, worry, fear and uneasiness. Yet, I could not seem to actually pinpoint the issue. I felt so out of control, like I could die and there were so many unresolved issues yet to be worked out. I got up, went downstairs, walked around and drank some water, did some yoga breathing exercises, said my pleadings to the Universal Creators, and then finally was able to get to sleep around two, which only gave me four hours of sleep.
Today I am zonked, but I have so much to do in the office. I don't want to alarm my husband unecessarily, as he is going through some things himself. But, this does concern me. For months I have been sleeping really well and coping well. And now this.
I want to believe it's just a one-time occurance, yet, I want to be objective and not cover over something that might need attention. I don't want to be medicated. But, I don't want my ulcers to act up again, and I need my sleep. You can probably tell right now, how much I am worried about things. Does anyone have any suggestions for natural remedies, other than what I've already done?
I would appreciate any help here.
Thank You,