Terrible Anxiety Attack Last Night....

by Sentinel 24 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • mamashel


    OMG, how i do understand. I was suffering do bad with them when we were going to the hall, that i couldnt even sit through a hole meeting tword the end. I thought i was either going to die there or pass out on the floor. It has gotten alot better since we left (about 7 months ago), but i still have times when i feel so strange and out of control, i think i am going to loose it at the time. I do not take any meds either, tried them, but they honestly made me worse that i was when i started taking them.

    My doctor is very understanding and helpful on this with me. And if i can keep myself disciplined enough do continue doing what she says, i'd probably feel alot better than i do alreadylol

    She put me on an exercise program and different diet. I am not suppose to eat any (hardly any)sugars or anything with caffine in it. Still have to have my morning coffe though. (1/2 decaff). But i have to stay away from cookies, candies, too much chocolate, and junk foods that contain sugar or lots of chemicals. MSG, (monosodiumglumate) is a big factor in panic attacks and anxiety, another one is any food with yellow #5 or # 6, the chemicals in these preservatives seem to trigger things in the brain to bring on the attacks. So i try to eat more natural foods. Lots of chicken, fish, veggies, and fruits, and anything with fiber in it is really good too. And the exercise is the most important part. I like to try and walk at least 4 times a week. The exercise releases saratonins(spell?) in your body, and they make you feel good natrually. So basically any foods with alot of chemicals and preservatives you really want to try and stay away from. I drive my husband crazy at the grocery store because i read all the lables.

    Anyway, give it a try, it might help. My doctor also informed me that i still may have some from time to time, and i do, but it is usually when i am too hyped about something, but she taught me how to work my way through it, feel it, and experience it, and know that it will be over soon. Then she winked at me and said if i did go running down the street like a mad woman, and colapsed on the road, someone would either pick me up or run me over. lol, that always helps me if i have one, makes me laugh.

    I hope you dont have any more, and are feeling better now, sorrry so lengthly, i dont know what came over me.

    mamashel (shelley)

  • Sentinel

    Spaz: Thanks hon for opening your email. I just sent you a message from work.

    Dia and Mamashel: Thanks much for the helpful suggestions, which I will take to heart.

    Eman: Your site was very informative. I have printed it out and will refer to it when I get home from work tonight.

    It's back to work for me.


  • riz

    hi karen,

    i have had trouble sleeping recently too. my husband went to the health food store and bought a bottle of melatonin. it works great! i take two 3 mg tablets 20 minutes before bed. it hasn't failed me yet. and the good thing about melatonin is that it's natural. the body naturally releases melatonin in response to changes in light, with melatonin levels rising at night. it helps establish normal sleep patterns. if you haven't tried it, i would recommend it. and also, like so many have already mentioned, try not to watch the news. hope this helps. i feel for you!


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Can't get link to work

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 10 October 2002 11:39:17

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Let's try this again!


    Better work this time!

    Golden Girl...aka...Snoozy

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 10 October 2002 11:43:52

  • LyinEyes

    Karen, I sure do here what you are saying.

    Last night I had me a good cry in the cold rain. I havent cried like that in awhile. What triggered my cry , was my children's behavoir, especially the youngest. He has ADDH and has been giving me hell for over a week. I am fighting off taking him to doctors , tried it once and it was not pretty. I have been able to cope with most of his day to day tiresome antics but I just about blew my stack. I just went out sat in the rain about 2 am and smoke a cig, and cried. I found myself praying to God over and over again, to please let me know he is there, so I don't feel so alone. I felt that if I had God , I would have more peace of mind.

    My oldest son was evacuated from school yesterday for a bomb threat and we live in a little town. It was scarey, but probably a not a real threat. He is in school so everything is fine now.

    Just the pressure of being a full time mom , got to me and I had crushing pain in my chest last night and just greif. It took me a couple oh hours to realize that this too shall pass. I have handle my youngest son's problems very patiently and until now never even thought of crying over it. I guess it goes to show I am not perfect and I am not supermom. That's ok with me, but I am always so scared of seeing my parents in the mirror when I look at myself. I try so hard to not be like them, I may be, going too easy on them at times.

    So lets hope we all hang in there, this life is changing everyday and we just have to go day to day. Watching the news and life in general is enough to keep you up at night.

    Many hugs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dede

  • Kingpawn

    I can empathize with the feelings of helplessness you feel at the idea of rehashing things over and over and no solution offers itself. I hope some of the suggestions mentioned by others work for you. In some ways it can be a vicious circle. The attacks keep you up so you don't sleep and your normal work habits are disrupted, possibly leading to even more stress at how you're falling behind.

    I can vouch for exercise as a tonic. Many's the time, in a variety of incidents, where if I needed to puzzle something out or decide on a course of action, thinking about it on a walk did the trick (usually). Some things are the type where when you don't get the answer by yourself--you may need more input from others.

    Since it may not be all that safe to be out right now, are their facilities where you work for exercise? A nursing home I used to work at had an indoor walking area. Maybe the local Y? A skating rink? Bowling? Hiking trails or a bikeway?

    Might have to wean yourself from caffeine. Ditto sugar. Religion can be a help--if there was no good in it we would have discarded it long ago. Positive thinking, too. Then too, are there things you may be doing unconciously that interfere with your ability to complete needed projects? The more unpleasant they are the easier that can occur. (Indirect aggression.)

    Hope this helps. You've gone through a lot already and you're not beat yet.

  • Sentinel

    Hi Kingpawn,

    Thanks for your reply. I think the anxiety level here in this area is way up there because of this shooter out there, so I'm certain I'm not having difficulties in coping any different than others. Aside from taking a sleeping pill, which I don't have, nor would I take anyway, I just have to learn how to cope with the variety of emotions that are coursing through me.

    The shooting in Manassas, just four miles from me, was confirmed last night as that of the Serial Sniper. That was horrible. I did go to an event after work which was nearly across the street from the Senoco Service Station where it happened. The feeling was that he would not strike in the same area again. Then this morning we awoke to find that he struck again, back in Spotsyvania county, killing a man getting gas at an Exxon. This is the next county over, just 15 miles away from here. This is where a woman was shot while putting stuff in her car, in front of a Michael's store. So, apparently, HE DOES GO BACK. How brazen of him.

    I really don't believe the killer is in a white van or truck. I believe that story got out of hand, when someone saw a speeding vehicle of that description early on. I have to tell you, if I witnessed someone getting shot, I would beat it out of there myself, and they'd probably be looking for my car. I think this person has thought out everything quite well and is leaving messages and clues. Perhaps the police are correct to allow him to think we are looking for a white truck. That way, he might become careless.

    Living this way is so stressful. I don't want to go outside. I'm glad I didn't have to work today, and will be off Monday. Wow, as I read this post of mine, I see how I am thinking. I think I'm gonna get off here and relax with a hot cup of tea and some toast and watch anything but the News.

    We never know what the day willl bring, do we?


  • TruckerGB

    Dont forget to put a spoonfull of honey in your tea,it works wonders.

    Take care,


  • Dia

    We prayed for you in church yesterday. We will continue to do so.

    I have a question. How/where is he leaving clues?

    I heard something about a Tarot card (where was it?), but nothing more.

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