hey teej, your daughter is such a cutie!
Ray Franz Key Witness?!
by qwerty 121 Replies latest jw friends
"Agree with ME or be damned!"
Or be called vulgar and perhaps damning names. Same thing.
(It's funny - Unlike my former direction under the WTBTS, in not ONE post on this entire Board has my Lord directed me to speak "damningly" to or of anyone other than the "scribes and Pharisees", whom he himself damned. He has not asked anyone to agree, but instead has simply directed me to warn, forgive, love, extend mercy, extend a blessing of peace and/or a wish for peace, remind, admonish, exhort... and even beg. Only. But not ONCE has he said anything about the Door being closed... or the Way to Life being shut off. Not here. Not once. Not for anyone here.
Now, on another Board there were those who "damned" themselves, but even then, he TRIED to warn them before they did so. Ah, well... earthling man... go figure...)
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
other than the "scribes and Pharisees", whom he himself damned.
For some strange reason that quote seemed to jump right out and take on a life of it's own. Well for a min. Think that might be why so many ppls don't understand the "gospel" within the bible? Cuz they perhaps get all caught up and tangled in the stuff the scribes left behind?
If you read my new post tonight "Update from Ray Franz" you will see that he wold not make a key witness, because he never dealt with the issue during his time as a JW.
Dearest Plum... peace to you... and absolutely. Either that, as brought out by JAH through Jeremiah, at 5:31:
"The prophets themselves actually prophesy in FALSEHOOD; and as for the priests, they go subduing according to THEIR powers. And my own people... have LOVED it that way! And what will you men do in the finale of it?"
or because they LOVE the "darkness", rather than the Light.
John 3:19 John 8:12 Genesis 1:4
Why the latter? Because they "love" what they KNOW... and "hate" him that they do not know. But... they don't HAVE to. The "Door" is, after all, STILL open, and the Spirit and the Bride, even now, KEEP saying,
"Come! Take 'life's water'... free!"
It is my sincere hope, as it is my Father's and my Lord's that all who are wishing, thirsting and hearing have EARS... to hear.
Again, I bid you peace, Plum.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
I suppose one could rationalize that Thomas Jefferson is responsible for Satanism and the occult in America because he participated in writing the Constitutional law that guarantees freedom of religion here, and that he would be a key witness to the atrocities committed by some of the cults.
Mr. Bowen, with the help of a lot of friends, has succeeded in getting some publicity about one of the Watchtower's more dispicable characteristics. A lot of publicity among exJWs, but not particularly significant yet on the world scene. Nevertheless, credit and appreciation is due for his efforts.
THAT BEING SAID, doing something good does not give anyone the right to slander another--I don't care who it is. Exaggeration to make a point is ONE thing, but outright slanderous lying public character asassination is quite another. Inexcusable. I'm sad and disillusioned.
J.F. Rutherford was surely among the most vainglorious egotists the world has known, but even he had the humility to admit, to put it in his words, "I made an ass of myself." (That was in reference to his 1925 end prediction.)
Is Ray Great or what? you ask ...
Yes. -
You're right, this is a time when Bill should probably make a statement like this:
"I made an ass of myself."
I full agree and I expect it to happen.
However, it could be a little tough because he is on assigned thingy that has been in the works for a while ...
According to Jim both men talked and according to Jim it seemed to go well .... that is more important because Bill owes Ray the apology.
I would expect Bill to say something to the board when he is available later ...
I'm so done with all this! This does nothing but leave me drained. Life's just too short and I can't take this fighting anymore. Sorry!
Take care all and live well.
I'll miss ya, but I'm moving on..............................
Well, I went away for a day and a half and still no answer to my questions...*sigh*..yeah Bill is out of touch, but I'm sure he had plenty of time to answer within the time frame that I posted. Perhaps he didn't find the very pointed questions worthy of an answer, or perhaps it is I who is not worthy of response from someone "on high" like Bill......it would seem to me that if anyone else slandered Ray Franz we, would as a group demand not only an apology, but some sort of reckoning or answer to "the pot calling the kettle black" questions...and might be calling them a troll to say the least. It would appear that some can say whatever they want with impunity, which IMO is a double standard. Before you start in on me, yes I have read the other threads and its great that Ray and Bill have spoken and that went well. However, the piss poor attitude Bill decided to take w/many of us is something I am not quite ready to let go of...but wait...I'm just an armchair warrior after all, so it shouldn't matter huh?
District Overbeer of the "Been In The Woods Since Wednesday" class