Questions about the Taliban/Bin Ladin

by bluesapphire 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • siegswife

    I don't know if you're including me in your comments, but I never said any such thing.

    It does appear as if 9/11 could be used by unscrupulous men as a reason to do what they wanted to do anyway.

    Did they ever supply indisputable proof that the Taliban was behind 9/11? When are we going to start bombing other countries that are known to harbor terrorists that have already made strikes against US property and citizens? Why only Afganistan (and Iraq who hasn't made any physical attack against this country that I'm aware of)?

  • Satanus


    Stand back a bit more and look at the bigger picture. The traditional sources of american oil are predicted to be running out in a couple of decades or something like that. Also, suadi arabia's govt has been shakey for some time. It's methods of controling it's peoples are similar to taliban methods. It's govt could fall.

    As the sun may set on traditional american oil sources, new sources are invaluable and necessary for the support of the american way of life. Bringing to market the caspian sea oil fields, w american companies and pro-american asian politicians at the controling valves, guarantees decades of continuation of american life as it has been.

    Another project which caspian oil will aide is the building up of china into a superpower.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Did they ever supply indisputable proof that the Taliban was behind 9/11

    The Taliban probably weren't behind 9/11...they were too busy beating up Afgani women and children. What they were guilty of was harboring Ben Laden and his terrorist training camps in the country they had stolen from the people of Afganistan. The same camps that trained the 9/11 sickos...and yes there is indisputable proof that Ben Ladens camps were there.... remember, John Walker was also in one of them and has turned over a lot of evidence.

  • Crazy151drinker


    If anything, the Saudis would not want that pipe to be built (unless they plan to take over afghanistan- err I dont know how they would do that) as they would lose out, unless they own Unical.

    Face it folks, Oil is losing importance. Yes we still need it but the need will steadily decline. Now punk ass China will need it. Maybe they where behind 9-11!!! Shit, Bin-Ladin has an AK-47 and lots of them are made in China..........

    To say that the U.S. knew about 9-11and allowed it to happen so Unical could build a pipeline is BULL. Yeah, we let Hitler waste France becuase the french were being waaay too rude.

    Ohhh but bush got a 125K from unical. So what??? He's a millionare, whats 125K??

    Now, I would agree that the U.S. is using 9-11 to its advantage, but shit! We lost alot of people and $$$$$$$$$$ the least we can do is take over some country and gets some cash back.....


    Its the Toyato takeover! I heard it will be on 60 minutes........

  • siegswife
    Ohhh but bush got a 125K from unical. So what??? He's a millionare, whats 125K??

    151, Bush owes alot of people alot of things. I know that it's hard to break old habits, but sometimes I get very frustrated at people who think what is right in front of them isn't really there if they close their eyes. Reminds me of what the JW's do.

    FYI, I initially liked Bush until I did research on both him and Gore before the 2000 "selection". What I found out about him was not good, and he is proving to be everything that I figured he would turn out to be. I don't trust people who would rather nullify the votes of every person in the country by soliciting the interference of the US Supreme Court into an election dispute.

    If he actually won the election, then he should have had no problem letting the votes get counted as per the Florida State Court. Instead, he preferred to get into office under a shadow during a very evenly divided election (at least half the voters didn't want him). Personally, I don't think that Florida's electors should have been able to vote because the voting laws in place in Florida were deemed unconstitutional since they didn't have consistent standards across the board. Why should the election of the President of the US be determined by the electors of a State with illegal (unconstitutional) election procedures in place? No one wanted to touch that issue though, because the same is true for many States at this point in time.

    As far as I'm concerned, I don't trust Bush and his cronies one bit, they are way too similar to fascists for my tastes, and he is not the elected President of this country. He shouldn't be pushing his agenda so hard, it will be his downfall. I hope it isn't ours.

  • seawolf


    very interesting email. Here's what I know:

    >UNOCAL, a giant American Oil conglomerate, wanted to build a 1000 mile
    >long pipeline from the Caspian Sea through Afghanistan to the Arabian

    Yep, UNOCAL wanted to build a pipeline through afganistan to Pakistan.

    >All of the leading Taliban officials were in Texas negotiating with
    >UNOCAL in 1998.


    A senior delegation from the Taleban movement in Afghanistan is in the United States for talks with an international energy company that wants to construct a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to Pakistan.

    A spokesman for the company, Unocal, said the Taleban were expected to spend several days at the company's headquarters in Sugarland, Texas.

    >1998-1999 the Taliban changed its mind and threw UNOCAL out of the
    >country and awarded the pipeline project to a company from Argentina.

    hrm, I think UNOCAL backed out on their own:

    Citing low oil prices, concerns over Osama bin Laden, and pressure from women's groups, Unocal withdraws from Afghan pipeline consortium. Unocal also announces a 40 percent drop in capital spending for 1999 because of low oil prices.

    >John Maresca VP of UNOCAL testified before Congress and said no
    >until the Taliban was gone and a more friendly government was

    From the outset, we have made it clear that construction of the pipeline we have proposed across Afghanistan could not begin until a recognized government is in place that has the confidence of governments, lenders, and our company.

    ALSO: The Taliban were told to accept "a carpet of gold or you'll get a carpet of bombs." Paula Zahn touched upon that in a CNN interview:

    >Senior American officials in mid-July told Niaz Naik, a former
    >Foreign Secretary, that military action against Afghanistan would go
    >ahead by the middle of October.

    Yep, almost two months before 9/11 the US was planning on attacking Afghanistan in October (which is eventually did):

    Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.

    >The leader of that government formerly worked for UNOCAL.
    >Bush appoints a special envoy to represent the US to deal with that
    >government, who formerly was the "chief consultant to UNOCAL".


    To some here, it looked like the fix was in for Unocal when President Bush named a former Unocal consultant, Zalmay Khalilzad, as his special envoy to Afghanistan late last year.

    ALSO: I do believe Karzai was a consultant to UNOCAL. You can search google for links

    >George Bush Sr. now works with the "Carlysle Group" specializing in
    >oil investments around the world.

    You can read about the Carlyle Group here
    or just go to a search engine and put it in. Make sure it's spelled correctly (that email has it spelled wrong)

    >Condoleezza Rice worked for Chevron before going to Washington.
    >Chevron named one of its newest "supertankers" after Condoleezza.


    A former Chevron director and, until recently, the namesake of a Chevron supertanker, the SS Condoleezza Rice (since renamed the SS Altair Voyager)...

    That's enough for now. Homework calls.

  • Yerusalyim


    My apologies, I thought you were proposing these as actual opinions you hold. My tongue (or keyboard) went faster than my brain.

  • mustang

    That "conspiracy theory" sounds good at first (they all do), but had some wrong info. It doesn't take 10 billion to do a study. I've worked with oil people and they would get a lot of REAL ACTION for that kind of $'s. So, truncate by 4 or 5 zero's. You can spend more, but there is no need unless you are ready to actually start.

    UNOCAL has it's own problems & drops out:

    "Citing low oil prices, concerns over Osama bin Laden, and pressure from women's groups, Unocal withdraws from Afghan pipeline consortium. Unocal also announces a 40 percent drop in capital spending for 1999 because of low oil prices."

    This is more real, but not as glamorous as the "feel good" tabloid front-page stuff.

    Other reasoning is also cockeyed, as 151 points out.

    Ever done any Engineering? We sit around, dream up these plans, submit them, fail to get budget approval and file them. Then somebody 10 years later someone comes running down the hall yelling, "where is it?"!!!! Out come the plans. Events change and re-shape things. A plan that got shelved in one set of circumstances will get pulled out, dusted off and re-used in another. We make necessary changes "on-the-fly".

    And like it or not, dusting off that old plan would stabilize Afghanistan and make it a going concern. If you have to "nation-build", do it so everybody gets some benefit.

    BTW, if George W. is smart he will do it for yet another reason. It is a better trap for that gang of terrorists than stirring up Iraq would be. Use the oil project for bait!!! Those former "goons of Afghanistan" can't let it be a successful project without taking a shot at it, literally.


  • bluesapphire

    Just wanted to thank all those of you who responded. There's a lot of info and I am going to do some research myself. Thanks!

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