A Storm is a Brewin'

by Farkel 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • back2dafront

    They spend it on flying to all of the tropical islands to visit the "brothers." New Zealand, Australia, the Cayman Islands, etc...

    The Society had (probably still do) a fleet of Buick's - not the nicest car in the world, but nice in an old-fashioned sort of way.

    And their rooms are IMMACULATE.

    They dress pretty modestly though.

    Who knows if any of the money is "stowed away" for their own benefit. I honestly doubt it, but it wouldn't surprise me either.

    But yeah, I worked as an Exec Admin for a few years after leaving Bethel, and I KNOW how much money is spent on travel....the GB travels a TON, as well as other members of the organization - I can only imagine how much money is spent on travel per year....

    they should look into video conferencing.

  • blondie

    As far as traveling is concerned, if a GB member or Bethelite travel to an convention, assembly or congregation as a speaker, the district, circuit, congregation pays the way of the speaker and their spouse (if any). The WTS doesn't pay. At least that is what I have been told by the brothers in charge of such things.

    So if Brother Lett is invited to dedicate a new KH, the congregation pays his way.

    If Brother Bethelite comes to speak at the Special Day Assembly, the circuit pays his way.

    If Brother Governing Body Member comes to give the talk at the District Convention, the district pays his way.

    They also make arrangements for accommodations and food and beverages as well as transportation.

    I wonder who decides if they go first class or coach?

  • back2dafront

    Interesting....now that I read that I recall hearing that before.

    I wonder if that's always the case though...I find it hard to believe that they always rely on funding from the circuit or district in order to travel for talks...??

  • ronin1

    Read Franz's books.

    Many years ago monies were funnelled out of this country by the
    powers that be at WTS.

    I do not care how many times they fly around, $951 million dollars-someone is making off with this money and it is not the rank and file.

    WTS is corrupt and criminal.

    The FBI needs to take a giant step up and investigate this business.


  • Pleasuredome

    yer if only the FBI had the desire to. i dont think they want to stumble their masonic brothers.

  • Reborn2002


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