Thank you, dear Miz Josie (the greatest of love and peace to you!)... and no worries: I actually laughed (and I'm sure dear Unkle-Skunkle did, too, if he read it - I believe he's still out there, based on a recent post/PM from him - PEACE, m'luv and I truly hope all is well with you!)... at the very fond memories this brought back. These Johnny-Come-Latelies really think they know what was occurring between me and a dear one some 11 years ago! When they have NO clue! This might help shed some "light" on it all, though:
That some folks think they "know" what transpired between me and another... and why... with absolutely NO history or frame of reference... and wish to use that to malign and/or discredit me... is telling. And I thank YOU for seeing that, NOT because we are friends, you and I... because it's OBVIOUS. Well, to anyone with eyes, even the physical kind.
I think they would all be surprised at dear Unk's own response had he ever posted one. Like dear OUTLAW, Farkel, and several others, I won't be surprised when some of these and I become just as close. And it will happen, dear one. Always does.
Again, peace to you, my sistah... and your dear family!
YOUR servant and slave of Christ (yeah, still),