Partaking at home works for me. I share it in 'spirit' now that technology makes it so possible and find that very encouraging and satisfying. It's definitely preferable to the KH anti anointed atmosphere as well.
Loz x
by AGuest 65 Replies latest watchtower bible
Partaking at home works for me. I share it in 'spirit' now that technology makes it so possible and find that very encouraging and satisfying. It's definitely preferable to the KH anti anointed atmosphere as well.
Loz x
Have you read the mitzvot in the Torah ? slaves, raping virgins etc..
MP, I have never read that. What are you getting at? I will say this, If you are of the mined that over the centuries the scriptures have been tampered with I agree with you. I don't really know if what is in the modern Bible really belong there, or what is missing. I just know what speaks to me in the NT. I also think all organized religion must go because it is divisive. That which is crooked cannot be made straight. It is time to back up and punt. Men in power who fear losing what they think they have will never change. I think organized religion will end, maybe not in my lifetime. If a system is unsustainable it will end.
The whole partaking thing is an interesting discussion in and of itself. I had determined that i should be partaking long ago but was unsure how i wanted to go about it, be it at home or at the actual memorial (prior to realizing the truth about the truth). I didnt mind the stares if i did it at the actual memorial, i susspect i would have been accepted as a dubbie annointed, but i didnt want the undue attention. It felt like it would have cheapened it to partake in public....Once i realized the truth about the truth i decided it was clear that ALL christians should in fact partake, since there is zero evidance of "two classes" or any other seperate hope. No where was any provision made that i could find for someone NOT to partake. Even in isreal, any who wantsd to be a part of the nation had to partake. The lengths the dubbies go to twist it is hysterical if you look at it objectivly.
*full disclousure, i dont now partake since Thor dosent require it it, but Its a worthwhile discussion in the context of the bible and christian doctrine as it relates to dubbisium and our former cult membership*
Hope this is on topic. Taken from my notes:
The Easter holiday had arrived and it was time once again for our annual Memorial Service, our version of Holy Communion. Everyone vaguely interested in our religion was invited along. This year the ceremony was going to be special. The small damp hall, in which we usually met, was not large enough for the anticipated audience, so facilities in the Town Hall were hired. This was a splendid building, with two sets of large light oak doors. They led to a grand hall, shaped like a theatre.
Now that I was eight yeras old father explained the huge importance of the ceremony. ‘This is the most special meeting of the year. It is to remind us of the loving provision of God’s son who died for our sins. It is very likely that Armageddon will come on a Memorial night. Anyone who is in the building with us will probably be spared.’
‘Will it come tonight?’ I asked, reasoning that if it did I would not have to return to school.
‘It could well do! The end is due any day now and tonight would be an appropriate time for Jehovah, in his mercy, to act while we are all safely gathered together.’
My brother John and I met in the bedroom, to discuss in private this exciting moment. If ‘the end’ came tonight, it would mean we would not have time to say goodbye to our school friends and I had left my satchel at school with my crayons in it. A girl at school that I was fond of would be killed, along with my friends and teachers. I was not sure that I was ready for a new world as I had not yet got used to the old one. Still, there was nothing I could do about it and at least we as a family would be safe.
The great moment arrived and we walked through the first set of oak doors into the foyer. I did not turn to look back because I had read about how God had turned Lot ’s wife into a pillar of salt, because she looked back longingly at the city they were fleeing. On we went, through the second set of doors and into the Hall, which was finished in new light oak panelling. Once everyone was seated, the big doors were closed.
A long lecture followed, explaining the sacrifice Jesus had made. We were told that the ‘emblems’ of unleavened bread and red wine represented his body and blood. Only 144,000 anointed ones were going to heaven to rule with Jesus. This number included Jesus’ apostles and some of our members, living and dead. The dead members had already gone to heaven in 1919 and were waiting for the rest to catch up. The rest of us were going to live forever on earth and never grow old.
The anointed ones were allowed to sip the wine and have a piece of unleavened bread. The rest of us were just to pass the emblems on to the next person. We could witness these special members sipping the wine and by doing this we would also be saved. We were then warned that anyone who partook of the emblems unworthily could be killed. We did not want that to happen, so everyone was very careful.
The wine was slowly passed around. I watched intently to see if anyone who had not paid attention took a swig and died. Or perhaps I would get a glimpse of someone chosen for heaven sipping the wine, so I could be saved. I was allowed to pass the wine along with the help of my father’s guiding hand and noticed how nice it smelt. No one sipped the wine and it was returned to the silver tray untouched.
‘No one had any,’ I whispered to father. ‘How are we going to be saved now?’
He looked irritated then thoughtful before whispering, ‘Just listen and learn.’
The same happened with the bread. By now, I was worried that we would not be saved. ‘No one had any bread. Does this mean there are no anointed ones here?’ I asked quietly.
Father didn’t answer, so I pressed on. ’Will we still be saved?’
‘Be quiet and stop asking questions,’ father growled.
Oh well! There was always next year, but if Armageddon was happening outside, we might not be safe when we went out, as we had not witnessed anyone sipping the wine. I could not hear anything happening outside but the oak doors were very thick, so we were not going to know anything until we left the building. I looked towards John for reassurance but he just looked bored. Soon the ceremony was over and the congregation wandered around congratulating each other. It all seemed very serious and I realized that this was a most important occasion. People walked by and ruffled my hair as they smiled at mother, who stood there with a saintly look on her face.
Then it was time to leave our haven and go through the oak doors and return to the outside world and all its dangers. I was excited and my head was full of questions. Had Armageddon come? I had seen pictures in the Watchtower magazine showing what the destruction would look like.Would there be dead bodies and overturned cars? How had the worldly people been killed? Had people been crushed under falling buildings and were any buildings left standing? Was it safe to go outside yet or would everything still be on fire?
The last set of doors was finally opened and some of the brothers stepped through the doors without a moment’s hesitation. I followed but stopped at the door. Peering into the night the street looked remarkably calm and still. I gingerly stepped outside into the high street, eyes wide with anticipation. Everything looked so very normal and a few worldly people walked by and even looked at me. Jehovah must have decided to wait until next year. I realised with disappointment that I would be returning to school!
Note to all : Please lets keep the thread on topic and away from personal attacks and disagreements
We will absolutely try, dear Ang (peace to you and dear Simon!), me in particular. It's not always easy, though, as I'm sure you know and so if we fail please absolutely feel free to bring it to our attention here or via PM... and/or delete the thread... as you/mods see fit.
Partaking at home works for me. I share it in 'spirit' now that technology makes it so possible and find that very encouraging and satisfying. It's definitely preferable to the KH anti anointed atmosphere as well.
The atmosphere at the KH can be... mmmmm... "weird", dear Loz (the greatest of love and peace to you, my sister!), but I just push through it. I am concerned that, as with dear Glad's experience (peace to you, dear one!), some folks will NEVER see another partake and so have absolutely NO frame of reference or idea as to what doing so "looks" like. It LOOKS like... no big deal. Just someone(s) taking a sip and a piece of cracker. Yet, such ones doing so "identifies" them among these poor, poor sheep, allowing such ones to at least have some idea of those they MIGHT want to "do good" to, if they want to DO good to anyone. For me, it's like Noah's being a "preacher of righteousness" - I don't have to SAY anything to anyone (although I do try to return the greeting to whoever greets me, as well as warn some that they "might not want to speak to me; I've been disfellowshipped, but thank you and it's good to see you, too!"... so that they don't get themselves "in trouble." With their own consciences, as much as the elders/WTBTS. I don't want to cause anyone any problems - well, okay, no one other than the "wolves" who put us all in this situation. THEM... I don't care SO much about, particularly not as to their consciences. I am truly hoping THEIR consciences will be shaken up at some point... before it's too late. Because they're not only responsible for THEIR actions here, but those they are compelling the sheep to take.
I just consider it part of the "torture pole" my Lord said I would have to carry if I chose to follow him. I did choose, and so... for me, I believe it's just a small price to pay in exchange for what he did for ME. I am simply "substituing as ambassador" for him when I enter among them for this purpose. This is MY position, though - each one must decide for himself/herself... as the Spirit moves THEM.
Have you read the mitzvot in the Torah ? slaves, raping virgins etc..
I HAVE, dear mP (peace to you!). Thankfully, I know the One who said, when he came in the flesh, that he did so to “bear witness to the TRUTH.” Of course, it was the truth about a great many things, but most particularly, the truth about the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies (who may be known to you as “Adonai,” “Elohim,” “LORD,” “God”, or even “Jehovah”). He said that if one sees HIM (that One), one sees God. Prior to his telling me what he meant I, possibly like you and many others, thought this was just an abstract saying (or perhaps that he was saying he WAS God, so if you saw him you SAW God – which isn’t the case)... but he was saying that if one really wants to know what God is LIKE... then one should look at him and what HE is like. I started doing that... and well, all I can say is NOW I understand what he REALLY meant when he included the scribes in his condemnation of the Jewish leaders “works” at the time (“Woe to you... scribes... hypocrites!”): he was talking about the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophesy about the “false stylus/pen” recorded at Jeremiah 8:8.
That One, who told and showed me these things, is the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah)... who is the image, representative, appointed king... and SON... of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH... of Armies... who is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob... and David.
The whole partaking thing is an interesting discussion in and of itself. I had determined that i should be partaking long ago but was unsure how i wanted to go about it, be it at home or at the actual memorial (prior to realizing the truth about the truth).
That’s an interesting profession, EE (I would send you a greeting of peace, but I recall you asking me not to, so... aw, nevermind - peace to your contentious butt, too - LOLOL!!). And one that probably would have taken some courage to live out, given your position within the WTBTS.
I didnt mind the stares if i did it at the actual memorial, i susspect i would have been accepted as a dubbie annointed, but i didnt want the undue attention.
I understand. That feeling, though, of not wanting “undue” attention is born of the WTBTS’ false teaching that we should HIDE our “light”... under a basket... rather than taking it out and placing it on a table. None of us was attention, undue or otherwise, but the declaration that we make when we publicly partake is not ABOUT us (at least, it’s not supposed to be)... but about the One’s whose death we are DECLARING when we DO partake – it’s supposed to be a reminder of HIM... and our faith IN HIM and the meaning of his flesh (true food) and blood (true drink): their CLEANSING and LIFE-giving properties. When we partake, we not only declare his death but OUR FAITH, as well. When we do so publicly... we are declaring both PUBLICLY, not just before earthling man... but before the heavenly assembly.
The WTBTS, however, in its efforts to “shut UP the kingdom of the heavens before men,” have gone out of their way to stifle this declaration... and the faith of those who wish to make it.
It felt like it would have cheapened it to partake in public...
Because THEY cheapen it! All their “pomp” around the event, the fancy glass and “special” wine/bread, then the “talk” - what “talk” did Christ give?? He simply addressed those with him and told them what to do! He gave brief thanks for each, then passed it around... and told EVERYONE, including JUDAS... to take/drink it. And all of this AFTER having shared a literal MEAL with his friends! The bread and wine were LEFTOVERS from that meal.
The WTBTS, however, obscures the very purpose of his instructions by their “oh-so-piously-holy ‘Memorial’”... where they put on a “solemn” assembly that has absolutely NO value... because they don’t permit most there to PARTICIPATE. No, such ones are relegated to the position of spectators only... and then, to make matters WORSE... are compelled... by the disdaining and disapproving looks they KNOW will come if they DO eat/drink... to PASS BY LIFE! Yep, every single time a person passes that plate and glass by... they are passing by the MEANS for their eternal life! Christ IS the life and the bread and wine represent HIS flesh! Thus, he is recorded to have said:
“UNLESS you eat the flesh of the Son of Man... AND drink his blood... you have NO life within yourselves!” John 6:53
He SAID that ANYONE who so ate and drank would live... FOREVER (John 6:50-58). He could say this because he also said that if they DID... HE would resurrect them. THIS... is the GOOD news... of the kingdom – that Christ, the One who died but upon whom Death had NO (permanent) hold... LIVES... and so has provided the PROOF that THROUGH HIM... all who belong to HIM... can so live, too! (John 6:56, 57; 15:1-7)
All of this is recorded in the Bible, even the NWT, but is NEVER read at a “Memorial.” Quite conveniently so... as the very word “anyone” would blow their false teaching on this right out of the water! Add to that Christ’s words about HOW one can live forever, NOT by having life “in themselves” which the WTBTS lyingly teaches... but by HIM, because unless one DOES eat and flesh and drink his blood, one HAS NO life... within themselves. To teach otherwise... is a LIE.
Once i realized the truth about the truth i decided it was clear that ALL christians should in fact partake, since there is zero evidance of "two classes" or any other seperate hope. No where was any provision made that i could find for someone NOT to partake.
Even in isreal, any who wantsd to be a part of the nation had to partake.
YES!! Indeed, that is how they all stayed alive, Israel AND the “vast mixed company” that went with them:
“The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said, “If only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”
“ The manna was like coriander seed and looked like resin. The people went around gathering it, and then ground it in a hand mill or crushed it in a mortar. They cooked it in a pot or made it into loaves. And it tasted like something made with olive oil. When the dew settled on the camp at night, the manna also came down.” Numbers 11:4-9
Paul even mentioned this in his 2 nd letter to the Corinthians, as recorded at 1 Corinthians 10:1-5:
“For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers and sisters, that our ancestors were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them; their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.”
And why was JAH not pleased with them? Because they were a bunch of whiney, complaining, murmuring cry-babies... which is what the Adversary and other spirit beings ACCUSE man of being! Small, weak, pitiful, and pitiable. Naked, blind, and thinking we’re so “rich”... when we are actually quite POOR and have NOTHING... because we don’t yet have LIFE... yet. (Revelation 3:17)
[SIDE-NOTE: That “rock” was the SAME “rock” on which Peter’s faith was “built” – Christ, the SON OF GOD. And so it was on faith in HIM, that my Lord told Peter that his “church”... the “temple” of God... which is his PEOPLE... would be built! Matthew 16:13-20; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Peter 2:4-6]
The lengths the dubbies go to twist it is hysterical if you look at it objectivly.
It is. BUT... we add to that hysterical-ness, do we not, when we BUY that melarkey from THEM... rather than buying “eyesalve” from Christ? (Revelation 3:18)
*full disclousure, i dont now partake since Thor dosent require it it, but Its a worthwhile discussion in the context of the bible and christian doctrine as it relates to dubbisium and our former cult membership*
Christ doesn’t require it, either; he simply OFFERS it. It is a CHOICE we have: to choose LIFE (“I am the Life" - John 14:6) or death. He’s just holding out the better choice... for any who truly WANT it. If one doesn’t, then no matter: to his own master each one will stand or fall. Or rather, will live... eternally... or not. So, for example, you look to "Thor" () – and that’s entirely your prerogative; I personally take absolutely no issue with that. Alternatively, I look to the Holy One of Israel, the One who is the Tree of Life, the True Vine, the Root of Jesse... Sprout!... JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah). We will only be able to tell at the END which was the better choice. For now, though, we should leave one another TO our respective choices... and do so WITH mutual respect. At least, that is what I learn from MY God, as He is shown to me through Christ. Thor, though, may wield a heavier “hammer,” so...
(I have to ask, but I do NOT wish or need you to respond: is it possible that part of your "disillusion" is the result of your believing YOU knew/know who you truly ARE... and what you should do/have done.. but the whole WTBTS thing "against" it - "Oooh, YOU'RE eating and drinking 'unworthily'!!" - caused you to hesitate? Again, please don't respond to ME - that was a question for you to ask of and answer to yourself.)
Finally, dear, dearest Glad... the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one... and what a wonderful (as to how you related it here)... yet sad (as to what you experienced)... account. Unfortunately, your dear father couldn’t answer your questions, which probably greatly concerned... and frustrated... him. He had the responsibility to tell you about these things... and he couldn’t. As a man, that most probably caused him all kinds of confused and perhaps even angry feelings that he just didn’t know what to do with... or about. Sadly, it sounds like he took that out on your just a bit (through his demeanor and the “tone” of his responses), because he really had no one else to take it out on. I mean, he couldn’t very well go to any who were leading HIM in this ridiculous stories and ask for clarification, let alone demand, answers. ‘Cause, heck, THEY didn’t know, either. They were nothing more than a bunch of guys passing on false teachings from false christs – there could BE no truth to these things! And so, of course, they would have blown him off, if not “counseled” him such the would never do THAT (ask) again! And quite possibly, he already HAD at some earlier point in HIS life. So, there he was, trying to excited about what he [though he] knew up to that point, hoping you would be excited, too... only to have you, a small child... a “babe”, if you will... call upon him to consider things he probably never had (at least, not since HE was a child).
I am truly sorry that this discrepancy, and obviously subsequent “discrepancies”... probably contributed to your disillusions about God and Christ. I get it because it’s understandable: how can ANYONE believe in a god that others CAN’T explain... whose teachings/reasonings/actions/inactions all seem inexplicably complicated, confusing, and/or downright unjustified? I certainly couldn’t! Praise JAH, however, that He has given us an IMAGE of Himself... a SON... and so One to look AT... and well as TO... and to speak to us and TELL us the TRUTH about the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, Himself!
That One is the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit: JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MiscaJah)... who is His Son, King, and Christ. If you’ve ever again of a mind... and heart... to have your questions regarding God, Christ, religion, man... even yourself... answered... you only need go to that One and ask. He WILL hear you... and respond. All YOU have to do is LISTEN... and then put faith in what you HEAR... even if that is not what you WANT to hear... or “easy” to hear. Don’t pick and choose, except to the extent it cannot be manifested in love. In that case, it cannot be from him.
Because he is the image of the LIVING God... He Who is the God OF the living... eternally in SPIRIT and not just momentarily in the flesh. And God... IS love.
I hope this helps you all. I hope that it stirs within those of you who may have not already felt, but truly WISH to... the desire to be given ears ... and GIVEN such ears... so as to hear, when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:
“Come! “Take ‘life’s water’ ... which ‘water’, holy spirit, is the blood of God... poured out by and from the innermost part of the His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah)... which he gives to ALL who ask (Luke 11:13)... without doubting (James 1:5)... that he WILL give it... and that it contains the life-giving properties he PROMISED... FREE!”
Servant to you all, to the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a [fellow] slave of Christ,
Thank Dear Brother Aguest,
I do enjoy your gifted writing and may Jehovah's love through his Son bring you peace and harmony! Can we stick to your beautiful thread and avoid snippets from individuals whose historical perspective of past times is tweaked? There are plenty of threads they can have a "meet and greet on Topic!", don't allow your thread to be derailed off track, it's a wonderful topic and your insights are refreshing as you qoute Scriptures that are the "Waters of Life!" Peace to you dear friend!
"Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time. (Titus 3:9)
AGuest - Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings and your concern. I look back on these events with a wry amusement. They no longer influence my approach to spiritual matters. I broke free from my mooring a long time ago.
I guess if you want to partake at the KH you can. I have to decide for myself. I consider it a false religious celebration as JW's celebrate it. Maybe I am being too judgemental? I just don't want to act like I approve of it. Maybe I will get this all worked out by next year. My wife flipped out when I told her. I wish I never would have said anything to anyone. That way I could just partake privately and be left alone..
Thank Dear Brother Aguest, I do enjoy your gifted writing and may Jehovah's love through his Son bring you peace and harmony
Greetings, dear Arab-Tree! Thank YOU... and the greatest of love and peace to you!
I may be wrong but I perceive that perhaps English is not your first language and so we perhaps are from different areas in the world, and so different cultures? As such, I am a bit concerned that what I am about to share with you might cause you some concern. I hope not, because I can only speak the truth with you; so, if it does cause you concern, I apologize in advance and ask that you not let it do so overly much, if possible.
First, I am a sister, dear one, and not a brother. I realize that many men of religion, and particularly those of the WTBTS, have a problem with such things. Because of their adherence to and following Paul, they sometimes find hearing truth from a woman difficult. Our Lord didn't have that problem, though - indeed, he spoke and dealt with women when even his disciples still had issues. Of course, they didn't say anything to HIM about that... because they knew they shouldn't - HE didn't have a problem and so, as his followers, why should they? They pretty much had to suck it up. (John 4:27)
Such ones also overlook the fact that (1) Paul, a Roman, based some of his position as to women on Roman law, as that pertained to the desires of the Jews (who overly oppressed women)... not only eventually changed his position, but also recommended women as ministerial servants (Romans 16:1). He even acknowledged that women are including among the "sons" of God (Galatians 3:26-29). Indeed, prior to their exile to Babylon and centuries of life among the Chaldeans, Israel highly regarded women. Some were even appointed as judges (Miriam; Deborah), some to save Israel from its enemies (Jael; Esther), and many spoken openly and honestly with their husbands. The nations among whom they were dispersed, however, considered women in a different light... and since they were pretty misogynic themselves the Jews had little problem adopting the thinking as a culture and "law."
They also overlook the prophesy of Jah'El (Joel), reiterated by Peter that JAH would, at some point, pour out His spirit upon men AND women... and there would be manifestations of that from BOTH.
Second, I realize that you are... mmmmmm... excited to hear about these things: I was, too! That excitement, however, can sometimes lead to a bit of impatience (our Lord KNOWS I struggle with this!). But I'd like to address your question, that:
Can we stick to your beautiful thread and avoid snippets from individuals whose historical perspective of past times is tweaked? There are plenty of threads they can have a "meet and greet on Topic!",
Dear one, the way it works on this site is that comments from all are welcomed, so long as they conform to forum rules. I understand how thoughts that stray can be distracting (and I myself am guilty of posting some!), but sometimes those "historical perspectives" are actually ON topic. I believe that here, it was (if you're referring to dear Glad's comment - peace to you, dear Glad!): that account gives us some insight into why one might NOT partake - a kind of "trauma" related to the event itself, when a small child. If we are patient with others as they try to express themselves, we may find that we are actually speaking about the same thing(s), just perhaps in a different manner.
don't allow your thread to be derailed off track, it's a wonderful topic and your insights are refreshing as you qoute Scriptures that are the "Waters of Life!"
Ah, dear "Tree"... first, I am not in control of that as much as you might think. None of us are, here. Like verbal conversations, threads often meander into other areas... and then back. Sometimes not back but on to something else. And that’s okay. Sometimes they are purposefully derailed by opposers. But that shouldn’t cause us too much concern – that is their “job”... and so we must leave them to it. We, though, simply have to stay focused, as you suggest.
Doing that here, staying focused, requires practice, though, as well as commitment and conviction. It is up to one to learn how to “navigate” what’s posted here... and decide for themselves what is of value... or might be... and what might not be/isn’t. For THEM... and not for others. Unfortunately, some do try to decide for others, but often that merely a symptom of the baggage they carried off from the WTBTS... or perhaps a personal need to “control”. But that is their own issue to realize and deal with, not others’.
"Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time. (Titus 3:9)
When such ARE “foolish,” yes, they are a waste of time! Certainly, concerning ourselves about spiritual pedigrees is such a waste. Because it doesn’t matter whether one hails from Judah... or Benjamin... or Manasseh... or Issachar... or from the nations: there is neither Jew nor Greek with God; all are equal before Him. Quarrels or fights about obedience to Jewish laws is moot and so folly... except perhaps to and for those still UNDER such laws. Christ died, however, to set those who belong to HIM free from such laws... so that they could undertake a NEW law. He didn't do away with them, though - he first filled the CONTRACT under which they existed, mediated by Moses and ratified by the blood of bulls and rams. He did that FOR us (because we couldn't/can't!) ... and then took the "spirit" of it with him to the grave after he was nailed to the pole. The fulfilled contract was nailed to the pole WITH him... and it's "end"... death... was "conquered" BY him... when he rose FROM death. That “contract,” then... IS GONE... for those who are now under the “new” contract which HE mediated... and ratified with HIS blood (NOT the blood of bulls and rams)... and the law OF that new contract: love. LOVE... is BOTH law's fulfllment, the old AND the new. I digress.
There are some “discussions,” however, that, while perhaps appearing “foolish” to some, are not necessarily so to others. For example, I can assure you that THIS particular discussion, between you and I... and the very basis for it, the opening post and its message... is “foolish” to some, perhaps even many, here. But it isn’t to us and so we have it. In the same vein, just as one man’s “trash” is another man’s “treasure”, so too, one man’s “foolish” words may be viewed as “balm” by another. So, while there are times when it may APPEAR that someone is engaging in “foolish” discussions that may not be the case. For me, I have to listen to Christ as to when that is and when it isn’t. Sometimes he remained silent when challenged... and sometimes he replied, and vehemently so. Depending on how our heavenly Father’s spirit moved HIM.
And so I hope you can find it in your heart to be patient with ALL of us folks here, and particularly those of Christ's Body (or those who might perhaps be, but don't yet recognize/know/profess that): while we are to be no part of the world, we are still IN the world. And sometimes, the saying, “When in Rome...” is the wise course. Sometimes... not.
Peace to you dear friend!
Peace to you, again, as well! I hope my words are helpful to you and again, don’t cause you too much concern. Of course, there is always our dear Lord himself that you can go to for these same truths and so, if my not being a brother IS of concern to you, please... go to him directly. He is MY Source... and so the better course for you in the first place. You and everyone.
YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with, and a slave of Christ,