Dragon, wow, what a topic. This is exactly how I feel around my family. Every time they revert into their JWism's of "woe, the world is so bad" "woe, the big A(TM) is near" I want to puke. 9-11 was a big one, and of course the first thing I heard about was how many JWs died ... to which I replied, yea, and 5000 others died too. No reply for that one. Then it was on to how this means we are 'so close to the end(TM)' - Kind of like 1975? Or 1986 when the UN called it the year of peace and security? The excitment in their voices about this tradgedy of that one, how it points to the end. Or the story about how "wonderful(TM)" their day in field service was, or who is signing up to pioneer.
As if I am supposed to relate to those things, when I know how horribly mind-numbing field service is, how 99% of the people you can get to agree to have a bible study (that oh so wonderful 'blessing' from Jehover) are absolute freaks or losers you would never be around if you had the choice. And how 99% of the doors you knock on are not home or HBH - home but hiding.
Then you hear how the latest assembly was so "encourageing(TM)" - and what are they 'encouraged' to do? Flog the whip, more more more more field service, meetings, WT reading. No time for the "worldly(TM)" things like, you know, taking care of your family, feeding and clothing them, etc. Bad little JW for missing the meeting last week. Jehover isn't happy with you for that. Slab the guilt on heavy, and share it with others to be sure they are not having any 'fun' either. Jehover doesn't like 'fun'.
I love your analogy with being around drunk people. It's so true. It's as if on a fundimental level we just cannot relate - 2 different worlds.
I hate having to censor everything I talk about knowing that it will a) offend, b) sail over their heads, or c) simply prove to them how 'wicked(TM)' I am. It's hard to sit there with a smile on your face when that drivel is being discussed.