The Real Truth About Raymond V. Franz Revealed!

by bjc2012 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    Iam afraid it's a delusional dream of bjc's. Those of us who knew Nathan Knorr, understood beyond a shadow of a doubt, he was the boss. Just ask any bethelite who crossed his line, want to talk about wearing a dunce cap and standing in the corner, while the entire bethel family looked on, scarfing down breakfast, and listening to Nathan berate the poor bastard.

    No it only a figment of his delusional mind, Ray Franz can't even arouse his ire enough over overt slander at this moment in time, let alone be guilty of the political intrigue, this bj guy wants everyone to swallow.


  • Englishman

    Danny Bear,

    Thanks for the info, I did not realise that you came from such a background. WoW!


  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Anyone for a nice cup of tea & a chocolate muffin ?

  • DannyBear

    Anybody interested in THE REAL TRUTH as regards COJ's understanding, please read his response to bj jerk, on his thread Bill Bowen's attack on Ray Franz.

    Finally we can put this bj 'conspiracy theory' where it belongs..................flushing now.


  • Tinkerbell4125

    CC and I read both of Ray's books. They were the final insturments that caused us to see the WTS for what it was. Bill has opened the door and made it possible for many to come out and speak up about abuse within the WTS. Both these men are just Imperfect men who have made mistakes in their life, like everyone else here. We've ALL been through alot and we're doing the best we can! As it was said eariler, why beat a dead horse. I wish Bill had never posted what he did about Ray and he probably wishes he hadn't either, but you have to remember, he's been through alot of presure and rejection from the WTS. We all behave differently than we normally would when we are under a great deal of pressure. I remember when my father took his life, my whole family acted in ways that we would have never acted. As I look back, I apologized for things, even when I wasn't in the wrong, but I did it for the sake of peace. To me, it was worth it to be *happy* rather than push the issue of being *right*. I think all this name calling is uncalled for and only discredits your comments. Yes, Bill started all this, but what do some of you want? Would it make you happy if we took him out and stoned him to death? For God's sake, lighten up! It's like everyone is turning on each other like a pack of wolves! If I had wanted all this bullshit, I would have stayed in the org.

  • sf

    "How many of you were back there to feel, the tremendous IMPACT of such a doctrinal change, that RV Franz pioneered, by his work on the "Aid book". "

    Yes! I felt the impact (PENETRATION) then of what was occuring with my mother at the time of her 'impact' by this organization. This very doctrine (poison) was 'PREACHED THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM' as 'GODS SPOKEN WORD' and 'GOOD NEWS'.

    I can and will NEVER forgive these MERE MEN who caused catastrophic PENETRATION to my moms soul and to my spirit...that was IN TACT with her at the time of her 'rape'. It destroyed so much of OUR family nucleus.

    It's time to pay the piper. And with interest!

    Incidently, if you people can seriously read, you will see that bjc is a WOMAN! Baptized in '52.



  • JT


    Just wondering, what would you like to see RFranz to do?

    And if he doesn't- what impact will it have on your life and peace of mind



  • kelsey007

    tinkerbell said about Bill Bowen: "he's been through alot of presure and rejection from the WTS." All this is pressure that Mr Bowen chose to place himself under. Some have been sadly hurt and pained due to uncalled for abusive speach by him and some of his followers. Unlike many ex-jws here Mr Bowen neither lost his career- income, wife and so forth due to his choices. By his own admission Mr Bowen walked away from the org 13 months prior to being df'd. Mr Bowen took on a mission through his own choice. Nothing wrong with that and it can be a wonderful thing. Though one might say GO BILL! Yeah for Bill! and the like- what you refer to is all a consequence of choices he made. As heated and angry as he may be- such emotion is better placed elsewhere than in personal attacks against those who exercise their free choice not to align themselves with his movement. Bill Bowen is a man on a mission- Ray Franz has no mission. Bill Bowen has with intent placed himself in the limelight and is therefore subject to much public scrutiny. Mr Franz has placed himself in the limelight die to authering some books and other than that has not placed himself into any movement or tried to be the center of media attention. When Mr Bowen decided to bring attention to his cause to the international media his every public move will be used to judge not only him but the validity of his claims. Therefore such assaults against anyone in a public forum made by Mr Bowen or any silent lamb representative will be subjected to calls for solid proof by interested parties. And when solid proof cannot or is not presented to the public to whom accusations were heard Mr Bowen and silent lambs looses credibility and his fight and the fight of abuse victims looses public voice.

  • Amazing

    So what. Ray was on the GB when COJ sent in his research ... we all knew that ... Ray himself admits this, and Ray even presented COJ's work to the GB, which none were impressed. So now, Albert Schroder writes some nasty letters to cause harm to COJ, and you blame Ray Franz as though he sat down and decided to participate ... you really show your absolute ignorance of how the WTS organization works ... but ... even if Ray were part of the process that led to COJ being DF'd ... so what ... he was still a believing JW with some doubts, but had not reached his point of crisis yet ... I went through the same thing mover a three year period ... it is a process ... and what you are trying to do is smear a good person so you can get some sensational attention. Ray Franz finally came to his point of crisis, left the organizations, and decided to take responsibility and publish his books revealing inside information ... he did it in as objective and unsensationalistic manner as possible ... and this speaks well of him.

  • sf

    "Just wondering, what would you like to see RFranz to do?"

    Surely, my reply will be swiftly 'dealt with' by the moderators, if I dare.

    sKally...will not subject herSELF to a forceful penetration(deletion) KLASS

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