I only read the first page of Replies.
I just wanted to say that I haven't read Crisis of Conscience yet.
Also, I don't know what has gone on between Bill Bowen and Ray Franz privately, so I don't want to comment on that issue.
Prisca said:
bjc obviously hasn't read CoC, or if he has, remembers a key point in there:The Governing Body do not make unanimous decisions - they VOTE !!
So even if Ray Franz was on the GB at the time, it doesn't mean he necesarily agreed with the decisions that were made. He quite possibly voted against them!
You make a very good point Prisca, and I have been thinking about it. The Governing Body VOTES on EVERY SINGLE POLICY they make correct?
Wouldn't that have meant that Ray Franz, at one time, would have Voted on something to do with the Watchtower's Pedophile Policy (of not requiring Elders to go to the Police, and not Disfellowshipping the Pedophile unless there are 2 Witnesses)?
Also, wouldn't Ray Franz have Voted on their Rape Policy (Requiring Women to Scream or be Disfellowshipped)?
I find it extremely hard to believe that one of the Elite Governing Body Members (the Nephew of the PRESIDENT of the Watchtower Society) did not know what the Watchtower's Child Abuse and Rape Policies were.
I'm not saying he's lying, I'm just saying it seems hard to believe that.
Just my 2 cents.