The Real Truth About Raymond V. Franz Revealed!

by bjc2012 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    This is such a lame thread. bjc must be REALLY BORED to go to so much effort to slam Franz.

    He thought he could start a major uprising and be a new pioneer hero. He had New Light. Still a dub at heart perhaps. He surley wasn't a person who sees what everyone else saw and that was that we already knew Ray was actually a human. This man did some great things but our poor threadmaker 2030cj blah blah whatever only likes smut.

    Perhaps he's a nice guy who needs to look at things different. I hope so.

  • sf


    Please TRY to pay attention. bjc is a FE-MALE.


  • Pleasuredome

    it's a good point bjc, but a point that really doesnt get anyone anywhere.

    i really couldnt give a stuff if anybody like your thread or not. it really means nothing to me to argue about what you say.

    Ray's book was a good read, and helped me understand the way the WTS works, but i felt that the things mentioned about the WTS was just the tip of the iceberg, and a look at history through rose tinted specs.

    if only we knew the real truth about the WTS.

    but it will come sooner or later, and it wont be nice.

  • gumby


    Please TRY to pay attention. bjc is a FE-MALE.

    Ok OK scalleywacker. I had most of it right didn't I ?

    You try and take Meds for pain and see how close YOU can pay attention!

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I only read the first page of Replies.

    I just wanted to say that I haven't read Crisis of Conscience yet.

    Also, I don't know what has gone on between Bill Bowen and Ray Franz privately, so I don't want to comment on that issue.

    Prisca said:

    bjc obviously hasn't read CoC, or if he has, remembers a key point in there:

    The Governing Body do not make unanimous decisions - they VOTE !!

    So even if Ray Franz was on the GB at the time, it doesn't mean he necesarily agreed with the decisions that were made. He quite possibly voted against them!

    You make a very good point Prisca, and I have been thinking about it. The Governing Body VOTES on EVERY SINGLE POLICY they make correct?

    Wouldn't that have meant that Ray Franz, at one time, would have Voted on something to do with the Watchtower's Pedophile Policy (of not requiring Elders to go to the Police, and not Disfellowshipping the Pedophile unless there are 2 Witnesses)?

    Also, wouldn't Ray Franz have Voted on their Rape Policy (Requiring Women to Scream or be Disfellowshipped)?

    I find it extremely hard to believe that one of the Elite Governing Body Members (the Nephew of the PRESIDENT of the Watchtower Society) did not know what the Watchtower's Child Abuse and Rape Policies were.

    I'm not saying he's lying, I'm just saying it seems hard to believe that.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • larc

    Undisfellowshipped, you are not saying that Ray lied, you just think it is hard to believe. In other words, it is hard to believe that he is not lieing. That is what your words mean. Now, regarding rape and screaming, the WT has changed their policy on this at least 12 times on this since the early 1960's. Which policy are you going to pin on Ray? Since a policy change requires a two thids vote, how do you know how Ray voted on this policy? Now, on the issue of child abuse, at least three of us have pointed out that before 1980, this kind of informatioin rarely got out of the home. It was a shame on the family that was not talked about. Do you understand this very important fact? With this in mind, it is most likely that the WT did not have a policy on child abuse before 1980. I was born in 1940, and I know what it was like before 1980. Several others that are of that era have a agreed with my observations.

  • You Know
    You Know

    There was never any doubt in my mind, especially after reading CoC, that Ray Franz was self-serving. Thanks for the validation that the apostate's folk-hero and champion is a cowardly weasel. LOL

    / You Know

  • DannyBear


    You just could not resist, could you? Sure, with no evidence whatsoever, you latch onto the psychotic rambling's of someone who has clearly been discredited, by one of her own hero's.

    You Know, should read all the threads first. Or then again, it would have made no difference to you, you saw someone knocking a very well known 'apostate', what else could you do???

    Laughable, yet pitiful as well.


  • ronin1


    It is only defeating the main purpose of bringing the WTS to account for its past wrong deeds and to correct the child molestation issue.

    Stop battering Ray Franz.

    I admire and have respect of him for enlightening all of us by means of his publications.

    I admire and have respect for Bill Bowen for spearheading the fight against the wrong molestion policies of the WTS.

    Everyone should stop bashing each other and stop bad mouthing Ray Franz and Bill Bowen.

    None of us is perfect, neither is Bill or Ray.

    If we are going the use this site, it should be against the common enemy, the WTS.

    Let's move on and get away from all this BS.

    Ronin 1

  • minimus


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