Can we still be friends, if I disagree with you?

by Mulan 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel

    "All it takes is mutual respect"

    Amen, Brother Comf.

  • DannyBear


    So I take it you an jjirrzo are not friends?


  • joannadandy

    It depends.

    If I say "I believe X"

    And you say "I think Y, X just doesn't work for me"

    Then yes we can be friends.

    If I say "I believe X"

    And you say "I'm sorry you ignorant illigitmate daughter of a white trash whore, don't take this the wrong way but Y is the only answer, and you prove you are lower than pond scum and probably advocate the murder of small puppies by believing in X"

    Well then I have a problem with you....

  • DannyBear


    Grits said those exact words to me the other day!


  • kenpodragon

    Personally I do not like to surround myself with "yes men" ... so most of my close friends disagree with me all the time.

    My thought


  • onacruse

    Joanna: You are an XX, and need an XY to straighten out your thinking.


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Joann...that was toooooo funny! Damn, you women are so witty. Not to be confused with nitwit.

    Kenpo, your a person after my own heart. I hate Yes people! GRRRRR. That is unless hubby is saying Yes to going and picking up the grandchildren - or letting me have my way...again.

    But seriously, Yes people are so boring, and of course so predictable. You know darn good and well they will swing which ever way seems the more popular at the moment. Hey, when I first met my sweet, kind husband; he had just spent 22 years in the military. I told him right up front that I do not like Yes men, period. Well, I warned him years ago, so he's on his own if he caves into my whimes and desires. Life is grand, eh.


  • shera

    Yes,I wil be friends with anybody who disagrees with me.We all the right to believe what we want,and I will never try to control what another believes.It doesn't matter as long as we don't hurt people in the process of disagreeing and no judging another.

    We want no KH and JW organization here...

  • rwagoner

    Boy I hope people who disagree can be friends, if not I'm in big trouble. *LOL*

    I do agree with joannadandy though...HOW we disagree makes a big impact on how heated the discussion will be. I try to respect people's opinions while still stating my position as clearly as possible. I also don't post much, mainly because there are plenty of people here who are probably a lot more qualified to speak on the issues than I am.

    I would ask that if I say something that offends you...and the comment was directed towards you...don't hesitate to speak up and talk to me about it. If it wasn't directed towards you I'd let the person I was speaking to handle it...not a lot of point to get in the middle of a discussion that didn't even involve you and if they were offended hopefully THEY will tell me.

    Offensive and Bull Headed...but friendly

  • Tinkerbell4125


    Okay now......

    {{{{{{GROUP HUG}}}}}}

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