Can we still be friends, if I disagree with you?

by Mulan 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel

    Having disagreements, and discussing issues, and stating opinions is a great way to learn.

    There is such a variety of folks on here, people that I've never met in person. I really enjoy reading the majority of threads and posts. This might be my only connection to you, and I'd like to keep the lines of communication open.

    Certainly, if something I say is something that a reader doesn't agree with, then they can either state they don't agree, and why-- or simply not respond. That is how I feel about other threads or posts on here. If I don't agree, I can just ignore the thread and move on.

    We are all growing and learning. We come from different backgrounds around the world. Our journey with the JW org may not have been the same. So we have to expect those differences. I've always thought that folks should be kind and polite and reasonable.

  • LoneWolf

    Of course! I can't learn anything from those that agree with me all the time.


  • queer_reality

    Well, yes.

    My good friend and occasional lover has a very different view of life, the universe and everything than I do. Some disagrements have ended with us cuddled up watching a video with an occasional comment along the lines of 'you're still wrong'. Sometimes it even becomes a physical altercation -- of the best kind. Then there are threats -- say I'm right or I'll stop.


  • Valis

    Princess...can we at least agree to disagree in a vat of pudding or creamed corn?

    Yes we can disagree and still be friends. There isn't any topic worth ruining the friendships I have made here.


    District Overbeer

  • jack2

    Mulan, I'm glad you posted this, as you indicated you might on another thread.

    I certainly think that I can still be friends with those with whom I might not agree, and vice-versa.

    I don't like to think of myself as a strongly opinionated person. So generally, I will bend and yield to another's opinion to whatever degree possible in order to avoid disagreement. After all, what makes me so sure I am right? Do I have access to all the facts on a matter? I seldom if ever do, so someone else's opinion can be just as valid, or more valid, than my own. Thus, I usually manage to avoid disagreements.

    But if and when they do occur, I would hope that the friendship would remain intact. After all, it wouldn't be much of a friendship if it could not weather some disagreements.

    Edited by - jack2 on 30 October 2002 8:6:22

  • TR

    It depends, Mulan. If you're wearing "Depends", then, no WAY! Same thing goes if you're wearing "Oops, I Crapped My Pants".


  • Joyzabel

    Wow Valis, I totally agree: "There isn't any topic worth ruining the friendships I have made here."

    Now about you and Princess in the Creamed Corn <gag> <running to bathroom> I really, really don't like Creamed Corn, please use Pudding.


  • Valis

    joy did you just agree w/me? Stop that! *LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Valis, I hope that includes me, we disagreed back there on a thread. Are we still friends? I hope so.

    TR, you're just full of yourself today, aren't you! You're killing me!!! LOL p.s. Like your new pic too.

  • Joyzabel

    Will wonders never cease?!


    ps sorry Mulan, but Valis is stealing your thread, <cough, clearing throat>

    my motto is "make love, not war" (I'm an old hippy child of the 60's )

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