Let me add a personal experience here too.
When I was 18 I had sex with a JW girl I really liked and was talking to (had my bethel application in and had family there that was walking my application up so it was a done deal....boy am I glad I fornicated!).
Short story is I was disfellowshipped because it was "ongoing". But when I sat in my meeting, the guys started to get into the details, and an elder who I really liked (and still have much respect for....not an elder anymore also), took control of the group and said the following before it got going.
"problemaddict, so this is uncomfortable to talk about and you have come to us to talk about something very personal. I want to tell you, we don't want to know details, or personal information. Even the question i am about to ask I would rather not, but this will be the only one. Were you together with _____ multiple times? Meaning, what you came to us to discuss happened more than once right?"
Me: Yes.
"Okay well I am very sorry to have asked you that my brother and that is all we need to know. Lets talk about why you decided to come and talk to us"
So......I grew up around guys like this. Real deal people. BUT......the girl I spoke to told me about her meeting. It was personal, it was in depth, it was detailed, and she felt dirty telling three men by herself wether she had orally pleased her boyfriend, and enjoyed the sex that she had. At one point she told these guys...."don't all you guys have kids? I'm sure you know how this works. I don't want to talk about it anymore".
I was legitimately shocked! I just wasn't around those same types of people. Even now my exit has nothing to do with being around the nightmare people I hear about here all the time. Its amazing how experience varies so much.