Just wondering what your thoughts are with regard to the fundamentals of Christianity and the forgiveness of all sins on the basis of faith in Christ's sacrifice? Exactly what is the congregation supposed to do with molesters who have served their sentences? Is not Christianity itself and the concept of "forgiveness" and the supposed ability to "change" people's personalities at the root of much of this problem in Christian religions?
Is there any place for them realistically in a Christian congregation where there are children present? How should they handle "repentent" molesters in harmony with Christian teachings?
I personally see no real difficulties with the 2 witness rule as you expressed and that allegations of minors being abused should be reported to the authorities. I also think convicted molesters (and alleged molesters until proven innocent) should not be allowed to go door to door. If the Society does implement these policy changes how much can we trust their elders to follow through?
We also cannot skirt around the possibly of false accusations and the seriousness of making such. I consider false accusations of this sort to be a wrong of the highest degree.
To be honest, I would like to see case by case examinations of where the Society or their representatives failed these people and the degree to which they were responsible for what happened to them. I think the Society's stance on discouraging certain therapies is significant in the harm they caused as well. I just think there is certain dangers in presenting blanket arguments that would lead people to believe that the Society is the root cause of all of these instances of molestation.
Exactly what is the absolute goal of Silentlambs? If changes are made but not trusted to be implemented then will this ever end until the WT is out of business? What is the real goal here? How exactly do we fight over the policies on molestation where the WT is most often indirectly or partially responsible and at the same time ignore the children that die solely due to their policy on blood?
Many know that I have been bothered by this subject for quite some time now and I still fail to grasp these things. I have been patient and will continue to be but I cannot fully support something I don't understand well enough. I feel I have made progress but if I don't understand the goal how well can I support the changes that get us there?
My personal hope honestly is the end of the WT or if that is not reasonable then for it to be a religion without teeth. I see little benefits to children - even with whatever "policy changes" - as long as this religion continues on it's present path. Are we interested in protecting children in every sense of the word or are we hoping this issue is an effective means to collapse the house of cards?