Wow Tina, now YOU sit and judge me. No you don't know me, nor do you know what kind of person I was when I was active with the Witnesses. Let me just say that I joind the Witnesses with an open mind, and I left with an open mind.
I was the favorite among the rank and file, but was hated by my peers, because I did not "follow", I was understanding and did not treat others with disrepect or callousness.
My philospohy is this, whether you like it or not. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a corporation, incorporated under the laws of the land. This corporation has rules and regulations, that it required to be obeyed, yoy and everyone else CHOSE to obey those rules, you weren't forced to do so, I never forced anyone to do what they didn't want to do, nor did I ever DF anyone for it.
I chose NOT to follow the rules anymore with a clear conscious, thus I removed myself, it's as simple as that, there are rules, you obey, if you choose not toobey than the rule makers have an obligation enforce their penalties, such penalties are excomunication. You didn't want to get DF'd, you should have stayed and obeyed, if you left, then you suffer the consequences of your actions. Simple cut and dry.
I'm sorry so many are hurting, sure, I don't like to see anyone hurt. But blaming the organization for ones dysfunctional lifestyle is in my opinion ludicrous!
Call me self-righteous, call me callous, and evil, I don't care! rules are rules, you follow, you don't, either way you pay!
Less Religion and more Jesus!