If you are an 'old timer' and wonder why the Watchtower and Awake
magazines are so bland and lacking in content, it may come as no surprize
to you that it's often because a number of topics are 'off limits'.
That is, certain subjects are so troublesome to the Watchtower leadership
that they avoid detailed discussion of them. Here's some examples:
1) Condemnation of homosexuals
In the past, the Watchtower and Awake openly discussed this subject
in detail, along with the usual 'will be destroyed at Armageddon'
conclusion. However, social and political pressures now limit what they
feel willing to say ESPECIALLY in assembly or convention talks. They are
well aware that many assemblies are held in cities where local members
of the gay community may monitor the assembly program to find examples
of 'hate speech'. From here on, you might not see or hear anything more
specific than a reference to 1 Cor. ("adulterers, fornicators,...).
2) Any Date-Setting for Armageddon
Since the 1975 debacle in particular, the Governing Body has been careful
about saying anything that sets a date for Armageddon. Of course, it's always
"soon" (meaningless as that is). When a remark about the preaching work being
concluded in the 20th century appeared (1989), the sentence was later changed
in the bound volume printing to avoid any date setting.
3) Most Chronology
Most chronology has disappeared from the publications, particularily
that which concerns the Gentile Times and 6000 years from Adam's creation.
At this point, it's difficult to tell EXACTLY WHAT THEY BELIEVE about these
subjects at present! The Knowledge book 'downsized' the whole Gentile Times
doctrine down to a single paragraph, as if unimportant. Most probably, the
subject is too complicated for them to bother with - and too associated with
failed expectations for them to comment in any detail.
4) Voting and Neutrality
This is a touchy area since ('nudge-nudge, wink-wink') they must actively
discourage voting - and FORBID SERVICE IN ANY ARMED FORCES ANYWHERE, without
being too specific in writing. The "Questions From Readers" on voting left
the matter up in the air - will they disfellowship people for voting or not?
This ambiguous reply was triggered by legal/political problems in Europe
where France and others are putting pressure on the Society forbidding any
participation in voting/politics by Witnesses. It brings up a 'and why should we
give you a tax exemption, again?' kind of question.
The Society expels members who join the Army, Air Force, etc. by inventing the
fiction of reading their name to the congregation as someone who has "disassociated
himself". Since this is also the current procedure for expelling someone who
has taken a blood transfusion, they risk exposing the subterfuge to more
5) The Devil, the World, and the U.N.
So, the DEVIL CONTROLS THE WORLD, right? He directs the governments and
has invented the UN to deceive the world into destruction. isn't that correct?
You are VERY UNLIKELY to hear or read anything this plain and blunt in any
publication. They hate being embarrassed in court by quotes that Satan runs
the governments. The same thing applies to fighting persecution by appeals to
Feel free to add your own 'forbidden' topics. They are much more careful about
attacking the Catholic Church and holidays as well - in a world that tries to
avoid intolerance, they don't want to look bad.
The big question now is - will BLOOD join this list above? Having removed
it from the new "Search for the True God" book, will it disappear from view?
A final reason for these changes is that the 25 - 30 men who run the Watchtower
are probably having doubts themselves about a lot of things, especially as their
contributions dry up, more scandals are exposed and more doctrine is rendered