Top Five Forbidden Watchtower Subjects

by metatron 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RandomTask

    I think its just a difference in semantics IW, what you call "anointed with God's spirit" we call nut-jobs. Same thing really.

  • breeze

    I am surprised that with all of the ex-Bethelites that have fallen away, that there hasn't been a move to begin a new Jehovah type religion?

    Maybe there has been and I just haven't heard about it?

    Couldn't it be done without some of the obvious mistakes made by the ORG?


  • RandomTask

    Whats the use? Why build your house on cowpies?

  • DanTheMan

    I studied w/JWs throughout 1992, got dunked in 1993. In '92, they were still talking about the UN turning on the Harlot, the 1914 Generation, the separation work, strict neutrality (no alternative service), little flocks and other sheeps, homosexuality BAD BAD BAD, the evil clergy man of lawlessness, etc.

    After F. Franz died the wheels really seemed to come off. How much changed in just 10 short years! The meetings became so empty of any meaningful content I would just sit there and shake my head and wonder what in the hell was I doing there, what attracted me to this crap? I got so that I was afraid to open the magazines that came in the mail, the covers were often so embarrassing (Help for Arthritis Sufferers, etc.)

  • RandomTask

    When was the last time that they studied the Revelation book. Man, that book seems so wack now that I look back.

  • Analysis


    Point taken, I just have not had the opportunity to meet the type you have described.

  • NeonMadman

    Actually, I thought the literature was bland and lacking in content even back when they were discussing all those "forbidden topics". Even when I was a faithful JW, I once got turned in to the elders for saying that I didn't think the publications had enough deep study material in them.

    The meetings were always mind-numbingly boring, too. Looking back now, I really think the reason for all of that is to keep the JW's mental functioning at a very low level. If you stimulate their minds too much, they might actually start asking questions, and we all know what that could lead to...

    *GASP* Independent Thinking!!

    Horror of horrors!!

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Fark, Meta, et al...

    Actually, throwing open the opportunity to partake to the masses at Memorial time would actually rescue them from several corners into which they've painted themselves. By thus obscuring the actual number of members of the remnant, it would save them from having to explain away any embarrassing year-to-year increase in this figure, and it would also buy them time, since so many JWs monitor this number and expect it to go to zero or near-zero on the eve of Armageddon, and would no longer be able to thus ``keep score''.

    Also, add to the list of nutty notions that have been virtually banished to the scrap heap, what about the od Type-Antitype nonsense upon which such eminently foregettable volumes as ``You May Survive Armageddeon into God's New World'' were built upon? Remember the old WT about what was ``foreshadowed'' by Samson's scooping out honey from the carcass of a desiccated lion corpse? Great stuff!

  • TR


    I have met some of these people and know for a certainty that their love for God and Brother is what drives them, it is what keeps them alive, it is why they live! They are among the finest people on earth, not because they are themselves great but because they have God's Spirit!

    Yet, they are still 'hovahs. What does that say about them?


  • SixofNine

    Room 215 said

    Remember the old WT about what was ``foreshadowed'' by Samson's scooping out honey from the carcass of a desiccated lion corpse?

    Ok, ok, I didn't sound that one down into my heart. Please remind me what that "foreshadowed". (lol, what a flotsam word!)

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