What Was The 1st Thing That Made You Question?

by minimus 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    In all honesty, insanity. Couldn't handle the pressure and the guilt trips that chased me everywhere I moved and then drifted into a sexual relationship with a friend off the back of a break down, and then just walked away.

    Later examined my belief system and the TRUTH(?) and found that I could not bare many of the teachings... blood, prophecy, Christian unity (so-called), having to log hours and do ritualistic ministry, etc

    Pretty much the same as most of you here I would expect.

  • Brymichmom

    It was when my JW husband was DF'd for smoking and the elders refused to do anything about his beating the crap out of me.


  • Mutz

    About 6 months after I was dunked I started my first real job and the engineers I was working with asked me a few questions about the truth that I didn't have the answers to and which made me start to question. Shame it took me another 14 wasted years to get out.

  • LB

    There were dozens of red flags that I was trying to ignore. But it was a simple thing that got me to wake up. The appointment of a horrible man as a servant coupled with the refusal of the elders to remove him after many people went forth with information about him.

  • Jesika

    all the abuse and no one did anything to stop it.

  • Nordic

    I think it was the way GB, treat people with repressed memory. That way a man can with 4 victim's, of sex rape . Be wieved as a innocent man.From the Watchtower 1995 " Comfort for those with a striken spirit"

  • Cygnus

    I became greatly stumbled when the elders consistently used Naeblis to conduct field ministry meetings and give the Announcements part on the Service Meetings even though he always showed up totally drunk.

  • caballoSentado

    It was the WT-UN affair that made me seriously start an investigation. Before that I used to discard any doubt. They have only four or five doctrines that I believe are true... those kept me inside... but the UN affair opened my eyes... they do not own the bible (Yes, they believe they own it!).
    Caballo Sentado

  • metatron

    I questioned everything privately but stayed faithful.

    Then I came across the Bulgarian Compromise and realized that the Society was
    lying about everything. After that, I found out my daughter had been molested
    and the elders had covered it up and lied about it. The Society refused to do anything
    ( even though the elder involved admitted it). All the stuff I knew about in Bethel
    fell into place - the organization was run by corrupt ignorant old men who are making it
    up as they go along.


  • stichione

    I've always had nagging doubts in the back of my mind. But the proverbial straw that broke the camels back was when I got internet service and started surfing the web to find what apostates where saying about the WTS.

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