What Was The 1st Thing That Made You Question?

by minimus 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • richardsharpe

    2 things really, 6 months of 'education' went out the window after 5 minutes of surfing through freeminds.org AND reading the lyrics for the 'powerful anthems' in the kingdom hall.
    Ever see the Simpons episode where Krusty gets kids to sing "We want to go to Camp Krusty" to induce them to whine to their parents?. I piss myself laughing everytime I sing in the hall 'cos that's just as good propaganda as in the song-books. "Its our duty to give bible studies or we're just scum,la-la-la
    (Really,piss everywhere.Getting to be a problem)
  • Prisca

    Interesting observations, JustUs.

    I think I had many nagging doubts that something just wasn't "right" with the organisation, but didn't know why. I was one of those conscientious ones, who honestly believed we were serving Jehovah and did so to the best of our abilities. I had a deep faith in the Bible, and that's where things started to go wrong.

    I became disillusioned with the lack of real love shown towards the bros and sisters, particularly those who were on the fringes. I believed that if someone was "weak", then the best thing to do is to give them some friendship and encourage them. Because I associated with these "weak" ones, I too was viewed as a "weak" person, even though my spirituality hadn't weakened.

    I was also disgusted to see how people who were previously disfellowshipped, and now reinstated, were treated. One friend that was reinstated was treated as though he was a leper. People didn't trust him. He might as well have stayed df'd, the way some people treated him. Disillusioned, he left the JWs and got himself df'd again.

    Then we started studying the Greatest Man book again (for the 3rd time). For some reason, it really stood out to me how much Jesus' love and compassion for people contrasted greatly with the WTS and the elders, and the attitudes of certain publishers.

    I gradually realised that to be a true Christian, I couldn't be a Jehovah's Witness. Christianity relied on serving God; being a JW relied on serving man. The choice I had to make was obvious.

  • minimus

    Quotes, your experience was very interesting. You and others, including more new ones, have detailed how it all started. Usually, we can stay in the organization for years without 100% believing. For many of us, we know something is wrong. It's just a matter of time.

  • mouthy

    I guess I was the "dumb.dumb, on this list- I didn't even question. They threw me out "intact" with all the Watch Tower knowledge. I just said "I dont believe Jesus came invisably in 1914"

    Thats when they came to my house & said I MUST believe that else I would be DF ( after I had read in the WT they were ousting folks who didn't believe that- & written to Freddie Franz)

    I wanted so much to die- Being a Judas--( or Korah as THEY said). Hey but now I am free -

    I have never been happier .would like to send a THANK YOU card to those who ditched me..But that would be "rubbing their nose in it"

  • Dismembered

    Re: What Was The 1st Thing That Made You Question?

    Why most of the guys elected as "elders" were/still are dinks.

  • jws

    Another thing I saw as strange was that in Wisconsin, if you got DF'ed, it was probably at least a year or more they'd make you suffer. You really had to PROVE you were trying your best to attend all the meetings. You had to be MORE regular than people who weren't DFed. Come in late because your car stalled in the snow and you walked the final mile in 3 feet of snow and you'd get BIG points against you for being late. Wouldn't just proving you've stopped the offense have sufficed?

    Then I started dating a JW girl from the Minneapolis area. When I heard about DF'ed people in her hall, it was an entirely different story. DF'ed people were often reinstated in a couple of months. For one case, the person's DF only lasted about 6 weeks.

    The differences seemed enormous. The Minnesota halls seemed so much more just. When I was growing up, I would get punished or scolded, so I didn't have a problem with the whole concept of punishment resulting from breaking rules. But in one case, the punishment was minor by comparison and the other was cruel and unusual.

  • Reborn2002

    A number of things made me question.

    Initially it was the application of man-made rules which had NO Biblical support.

    I carried the microphones when I was a teenager and at the time we were still studying The Greatest Man book at the Congregation Book Study. To anyone that had studies this book with Jehovah's Witnesses, you are well aware of how thoroughly the WTS criticized the 1st century Pharisees for putting rules and regulations and burdens on the people beyond the Mosaic Law.

    Well, during a Sunday Watchtower Study I get yanked to the back room and told I must trim my sideburns or I will be removed from mic duty. I question the elders on this, challenging them to use the Bible and show me where someone's facial hair has ANYTHING to do with their spirituality.

    They could not do so. Simply put they told me to obey the older men and not question. Immediately I began to see the mere men who masqueraded as Gods behind the curtain. You see if you apply WT doctrine these elders were allegedly appointed by holy spirit, or God himself.

    It was then I knew it was a sham.

    Another religion whose purpose is to control people's lives, and make shitloads of money in the process.

    From there I began to study the contradictions in WT literature, and then my eyes were TRULY opened.

    Fuck the WTS for what they do to people.

    Entire lives and families destroyed.

    To any who posted on this thread and successfully got out, consider yourself blessed.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 7 November 2002 12:11:57

  • undercover

    Hey Reborn,

    I have had similar experiences like yours concerning grooming. Always called into the back and told you have to conform. The only biblical proof they could use was the scripture about not stumbling others.

    What I'm curious about in your case though, is did you have family that was still "in" when you left the org? I've read some of your posts where you on no uncertain terms let the brothers know where you stand. How does this affect your relationship with your family if they are still "in"? I admire your ability to just lay it on the line and get out, but even though I would like to do that, I would be cut off from family and friends I have known my whole life. Some people I would not miss, but others are still friends even though I am inactive and am not making any move to come back. But they will toe the line if I was to DA myself or get DF'd.

    In answer to the subject question: I guess I've always had questions in the back of my head that I just kinda ignored. But when I saw something on TV about the history of Jerusalem and they mentioned that Babylonian forces destroyed Jerusalelm in 586/7 I was confused. The next biggest thing was the generation of 1914 change in doctrine. I didn't really pay attention when if first broke, cause even though I was going to mtgs and service and being the good little JW, I was really not zealous about it and didn't really study or read or pay attention at meetings. When I reviewed it later and thought about it being another doomsday prediction that failed, I woke up to the fallacy of it all.

  • Reborn2002

    What I'm curious about in your case though, is did you have family that was still "in" when you left the org?

    Yep. I am the black sheep of the family. My mother, brother, his wife, my sister, etc. all remain loyal Jehovah's Witnesses. I have little to no association with my mother or sister, and no association at all with my brother or my nephew whom he does not allow me to see. The Jehovah's Witnesses are about the most UNloving people I have ever met. The love of its members is strictly conditional. You MUST remain a JW or you are meat to be picked off the bone to the vultures in their version of Armaggedon.

    I could no longer in good conscience live a lie. They are so willfully ignorant and naive they choose to not see the telltale signs that the WTBTS is a false prophet and cult. Time and time again I have attempted to show them information which exposes the JW religion as a false, but they turn the blinders on and shout "apostate" before even taking the time to consider the facts I have to present.

    They are too scared to learn. If it is the absolute truth and supported by almighty God.. how can any criticism stand against it?

    I've read some of your posts where you on no uncertain terms let the brothers know where you stand

    Yes I do. I no longer bite my tongue. Any person who knows the contradictions found within WT doctrine and the anguish, heartache, divided families, and death that their beliefs cause and still supports it is an evil person, and needs to be exposed for the vile individual they are.

    How does this affect your relationship with your family if they are still "in"?.

    As I said, they have told me on more than one occasion that it would have been better had I not been born, and that it is a disappointment that I will be destroyed at Armaggedon, and how they would have to explain to my deceased grandparents who will be resurrected (according to their beliefs) why I am not there, but that they would get over it.

    Fuck the Jehovah's Witness cult.

    Hope this answers your questions.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 7 November 2002 14:8:40

  • undercover
    Hope this answers your questions.

    Quite well.

    Your right, "the love of it's members is strictly conditional". And because of having family still "in", I choose to(at this time) not DA myself. I haven't been to a mtg in a year now so nobobdy really misses me at mtgs, but I still have contact with family and certain friends that I grew up with(not that they are super zealous JWs).

    Wouldn't it be great to just say, "I don't believe anymore" and go your own way and still be able to at least have your family connections? They claim to be fighting a "spiritual warfare" so for me to keep my family I have to fight this "war" covertly. Hence my name. I admire you and others I have seen here to be able to take the high ground on your fight, but for now I'll have to play it tight to the chest.

    Thanks for your reply to my questions.

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