I'm sorry your thought processes need to be so linear Perry.
I don't hate all gays; I hate gays who push their own agenda in politics.
I don't hate all white supremicists; I hate white supremicists who push their own agenda in politics.
I don't hate all black folks; I hate black folks who push their own agenda in politics.
I don't hate all environmentalists; I hate environmentalists who push their own agenda in politics.
I don't hate all women; I hate women who push their own agenda in politics.
Your premise is false, and your conclusion is little more than bigotry.
Gays aren't trying to convert me to gay or trying push their agenda to suppress the rights of others. The Christian Coalition is trying to convert me and get laws passed that supress the rights of others. If you don't believe this then you are living in a hole.
I don't hate white supremicists because they are a good source of comedy as their ignorance is astounding.
I don't hate black folks because they have already been suppressed and are digging their way back up just to be equal.
Environmentalists care about themselves which is very American so how can I hate them for being american?
Woman are forced into a patriarchal society, the christian coalition wants to force them into a patriarchal religion.
You can't take one point of view and apply it to everything. This is the very problem that the christian right in this country have, they try to push everyone into their "world view".
Reagan can take credit for the huge surge in cocaine profits in this country and the large amount of money his "war on drugs" campaign was making.
And you have proof that ole' Ronnie and Nancy made huge profits on the Just Say No program? I didn't think so.
I think you missed the point. The short term "hardships" are what created the proliferation of the crack culture in the first place. Reagan doesn't have to receive money directly, I was talking about the enforcement agencies such as the DEA, ATF, and whatever Federal Agencies profitted from our war on drugs.
Yes, that is the main issue here isn't it? I really don't think that you will care much about your money when you see a bright flash and realize you have about 3 seconds before you are vaporized.
Typical fear tactic with little of any real value other than to get people to make knee jerk reactions.
Somewhere along the line most of you missed the point entirely. I'm speaking of the Republicans being no better than the Democrats. Invading Iraq is an entire seperate issue yet you guys seem to think that only Republicans want to invade. While you may concede hypocrisy on both sides how willing are some of you to dig into Bush's precidency the way you have Clinton's?
For a small example of Bush's own dirt.
Asked later if his [Harken] stock sale had been related to the company's impending setback, {Board member] Bush replied, "I absolutely had no idea and would not have sold it had I known." In fact, SEC records show that Harken's president had warned board members two months before Bush's sell-off that the company had liquidity problems that would "drastically affect" operations. --SF Chronicle, 07.05.02
Your semi-Slippery Slope arguments, Perry add nothing. I will admit that I have become a little too personal in my postings on this subject so to those I childishly called names I apologize.
Edited to add: I agree with you Crazy that Clinton was a pussy when it came to Somalia. Carpet bombing innocent people is not the answer either. The worste thing you can do is let a politian run a war.
Edited by - gsx1138 on 8 November 2002 17:15:16