That there are people who want to kill U.S. citizens is a sombering fact that should influence our behavior. Indeed! But it does not follow that any action that comes out of George W's disturbed psyche qualifies as appropriate action. This is the area where people need to learn to think for themselves.
Why poison the well when considering what our nations' president is reccommending we do about this situation? Shouldn't men of scholar such as yourself concern themselves with facts? Certainly if it was proven that George Bush had a disturbed psyche, that would cast doubt on his ability to think clearly. Is that the idea you are trying to sell through childish argument and inuendo?
Do you have one single fact concerning concerning Mr. Bush's psyche? If not, you should be ashamed to write such unsubstatiated tabloid trash.
Again, follow this argument: 'There are evil people out there who want us dead' That 'there are evil people out there' is actually a conclusion based upon the real fact 'there are people who want us dead'.
That is complete and utter non-sense. The only way your logic can make sense is to assume that some people who want to murder us are not evil. When you can prove that murder is not evil, then I will accept that one does not follow the other. Otherwise, your logic is extremely faulty and borne out of ignorance.
Action taken should address the facts, in order to change them... correct? So the action should address this question 'why are there people who want us dead?'
Wrong. The above is nothing more than meaningless drivel. How can addressing a "fact" change a "fact"? A fact is an unchanageble piece of evidence.
When detectives investigate a crime scene, they don't address the facts in order to change the facts. They don't necessarily address the facts to determine why a person engages in a particular behavior. Primarily the facts are gathered to determine if a crime has been committed. Do the facts show that laws have been broken? If so, does it justify punishment as a protection for law abiding people? Your question is really one asking why there is evil in the world. That is a philosophical question better left to the social scientists.
If you assume there is no reason, ...
More inane ramblings. Show me where I assumed people who murder do not have a reason? Of course they have "reasons". Every screwball murderer on death row had a "reason" for commiting their heinous crimes.
and blindly kill all the people you suspect 'want us dead', have you addressed the fact.
Who is "blindly killing all suspects? Addressed what fact? Are you calling their justifications for commiting murder facts? If so, you are simply showing a degree of ignorance on the subject you are addressing that is truly embarrassing. Their justifications are what is known as motive.
Jesus! Would someone get a frickin' education around here!
Here is your solution:
If the U.S. took action to ensure that it interfered not at all with the rights of citizens of Islamic countries, for example, how would these people know the U.S. from Abraham?
I ask you a second time; how has the US violated the rights of Islamic citizens? Please explain how the US can "take action" to "not interfere"? That is a non-sequitur. Please present some proof or at least some examples for your argument, if you hope to not appear supremely foolish and illadvised.
To be honest, most of your conclusions you have drawn without justification. That is why I said you have fallen victim to ideology.
Like the conclusion of murder being evil? Oh please! Just look at your above staement. How can anyone with half an educated neuron fail to see that your above conclusion is based on nothing more than a combination of words that happen to serendipitously fall out out your head? You have not demonstrated that any of my conclusions are without justification. Then, you have the tamarity to assume that justifies you labeling me a victim of ideology?
I laugh at the very thought of such non-sense.
Most of your concluding comments (in both of your recent comments) I more or less agree with, or at least I have sympathy for what you try to say.
I have no sympathy whatsoever for idiocy that sacrifices our national security.
But I disagree that 'trying to understand that evil is fruitless'. We have to start with examining our own faults. This is neither anti-American nor misanthropic.
Examining our own faults is good and fine. However, understanding evil, if that can be done at all does not always stop it.
But they also were able to see that their own former attitudes were reflections of the attitudes of the more 'politically correct' members of society. The obvious is our devotion to money, which we hypocritically try to ascribe to the 'lower classes' of people.
So in other words, these ex-gang members were able through education, to see that their deviance was born out of a disparity between wealth perception and their actual resources. That's a good thing. What changed though? Did their chances of gaining wealth change? Did their available resources change? No. Their attitude changed regarding the liklihood of gaining wealth as easy as a very few in our society do. The disparity became smaller as their thinking came closer to reality..... as a result, they became less deviant.
Educated people know that the main problem with capitalism is that the system demands that there be winners and losers. It is played with limited funds much like a monopoly game. Everyone cannot "win". We try to implement financial safety nets for people but the reality is the same. Everyone simply cannot win.
That might be not have such a negative impact if it wasn't for the fact that no matter where we start out in life, be it near the top or near the bottom all citizens have virtually the same concept of success regardless of their ability to get there.
Let me explain to you why the same success you experienced with ex-gang members will not work with Islamic despots and their supporters.
Did it ever even occur to you that deviance is culturally bound? That is, it is relative to the cultural and ideological context in which it is found. Mistakes in judgment are often made when one culture tries to understand another culture's practices and rituals by their own standard of deviance.
You are assuming that if we try hard enough to understand, and try hard enough to stay out of their business, that these despots and their supporters will eventually see their murderous rampages as deviant. They will come love America or at least be willing to share the planet in peace.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Their aggression toward western culture is simply the norm. It is not viewed as deviant at all. It is viewed as their duty. They don't know that they are ignorant! Furthermore, much of their culture will need to change for many of them to see certain common behaviors, like suicide bombing as deviant. This is the very thing that the leaders of rougue nations seek to prevent. Granted, it is a sad situation. But no amount of "understanding" will change that reality as long as they are in a repressed societal context.
The fundamental mistake in your reasoning is transference. You assume that deviance here, is deviance there. It most certainly is not. We must guage our appropriate responses, not from some ficticous universal paradigm, but from the cultural context in which the agression is born.
Edited by - Perry on 10 November 2002 16:9:13