A Case for Healthy Patriotism

by Amazing 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Hi TR:

    However, I'm a littled miffed at the ease in which Canadian customs let people enter the country then go to the U.S.

    It isn't Canadian customs officers who man the entry points into the U.S., sweets. Every time I make a trip south, I have a nice conversation with an American Customs Officer before I'm allowed to proceed across the border. When I come back home, that's when I see the Canadian Customs people. After all, they do want me to pay tax and duty on the stuff I purchased from Uncle Sam.

    Love, Scully

  • Liberty

    Hi Amazing, Love the post,

    What many of our non-American friends (and even a few Americans) fail to realize is that our Founding Fathers built in a huge fail safe to prevent the murderous wacko nationalism seen in history throughout the world like Nazism or Communism. Governments have always been the World's worst and most prolific murderers, thiefs, and vandals. Our Founders were painfully aware of this and that is why we have the Second Amendment. The common people of the United States have the right and the corresponding responsability to hold the real power behind any government, deadly force by virtue of being armed. It was a unique concept that the whole of the common people should be trusted with the control of a nation's deadly force but the Enlightenment thinking that permiated the education of our Founders allowed them to realize that only having the ruling elites control deadly force resources had NOT resulted in its wise use. The whole of the people must decide that deadly force is applicable in such a system because they have some control over these resources, resulting in a much more reasoned and human approach.

    Though horribly eroded over the years the Second Amendment still remains a powerful check against the irrational use of deadly force by the ruling elites in goverment, especially internally against US citizens. I and millions of other US citizens are heavily armed (independant of government direction) and are ready to use these arms if provoked to action agianst the ruling elites. If military action by the US on foriegn soil is resisted by a majority of our population we can put a stop to it also by force of arms. The common people are not perfect and their self interest has sometimes overcome mercy and reason such as against the Native Americans but on the whole, any objective study of Nations as powerful as the United States, shows that we been far less aggressive than our power would otherwise indicate. We could have easily destroyed the pre-nuclear Soviet Union and China and kept Post War Europe and Japan as exploitable colonies. Instead we spent billions to rebuild these weakened and war torn countries and made an uneasy peace with the Soviet Union, The Arab oil resources could have been ours for the taking but instead we pay out huge sums to buy this vital resource from these back ward desert cultures with tiny populations we could also have easily squashed. Aggression and mindless violence are distastful to most common people, it is not our way. Though we are not perfect angels, due to self interest and elitist interference, our sense of fair play and faith in cooperation have won out more times than not. The US is hated because deep down the rest of the World knows this is true.

    The gun control crowd should think about this before more of our rights are taken by the elites in government. Though an occasional wacko abuses the right to keep weapons and kills people they cannot begin to compete with governments which can and do kill millions. I trust my fellow citizens with weapons more than the elites in government. I am a Patriot and I love my country because of my fellow citizens and the good that we stand for and not because of blind nationalism or faith in our elite class. The ideals of liberty both social and economic and its resultant scientific advancement are best served in the United States because of our faith in the natural goodness of the common person.

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