Upcoming meeting Re: KH Construction

by pixel 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    will be discussed  =  will be presented and you have to accept it (and no discussion is allowed)

    I remember when they used to vote on something in the KH about contributing to the society. It was like, "I motion we send the KH surplus money to the WT to further the kingdum work". "I second that motion". "All in favour raise your hand". Well you knew it was a farce because these motions all were unanimous. I do recall one brother question that maybe we should not send all the money as it would be nice to keep this in case of an emergency. I thought he made a good point but was vilified by the rest of the elders for questioning their motion.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    Sounds like they will build these new KH along a busy street so anyone walking by can just walk in. Then they will probably have brothers and sisters in the front lobby welcoming people, answering questions and handing out literature. This is not my mothers religion anymore. Seems like there goal is to become more efficient in the witnessing work. Especially in metropolitan areas where mostly condos and door to door witnessing is becoming harder and harder to do. I wonder if there will still be banging on doors?

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