Opinions on Christian Churches and tithing 10% inc

by nowaytess 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowaytess

    I saw the thread on TBN, and felt this question was a good one to pose to the board.

    Tithing is being preached more and more in many christian denominiations. A Chrisitian is under obligation before anything else to give 10% of gross income to the church. Many preachers equate it from stealing from God if you don't give, to the fact your monitary offereing stenches in God's sight.

    From my research tithing was only commanded to the Israel when to support teh Levites because they were not allotted land in the Promise land. Plus many were exempted from giving tithtes like widos and certain catagories of the poor.

    Tithing was also done in an Agrucutural based socitiey. Jesus never demanded a tithe and not foind in the New Testment. Today the Temple does not exist not can any claims for certian they are true Levities from the tribe of Levi.

    To be honest these Pastors and TV evangleiest use the tithing issue acting like bill collectors. Many of the churches and TV ministries get so over in head with debt and lashivish lifestyle many have to use spiritual threats to collect the 10% of a debt a chrisitan never owes.

    I am a born Again Christian, but this practive is beginning to make me sick.

  • blondie

    I believe what Jesus said at

    Matthew 10 8 Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely (without pay) you have received, freely (without charge) give.

  • Iwasyoungonce

    I am under no obligation to give my money to the church under the guise of a "promise to God." (That is what the church that I tend to attend says now with the new leadership that it is under. ("Faith Promise")

    Money I donate to charities that I find just are because of my philanthropy side. Also you will never truly be rich until you decide that you have enough money to give some of it away. It is amazimg what happens when you do that. But the church gets a 10% cut. Well if I want to pay that as a membership then that is the cost that I will pay to join. But, to promise it to God as if that tiething = giving it to God...

    "IF God needs that much money so bad then he can come down here and get a job like the rest of us."

    My quote,


    (Waiting....Waiting....Waiting...Nope lighting did not strike me dead. God must agree )

    Edited by - Iwasyoungonce on 14 November 2002 21:53:8

  • Robdar


    Good post.

    Irregardless of what the Bible says on the subject, I have found giving to be beneficial. By giving to the needy and animal causes but not the church (because I am not a member of a church), I feel good. Also, since I started giving, it seems to me that my money comes back to me. Others have told me that when they started giving, they too started having extra money and blessings come to them.

    Whereas, it is difficult to give a tenth (a tith), give what you can from your heart. It has been my experience that God repays the ones trying to help make a difference on his/her earth.

    I know that in my first paragraph, I disregarded what scripture says but Proverbs 19:17 does comes to mind:

    "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again." KJV

    As far as giving to a church, the church does have monetary responsibilities and many churches do have a food pantry for the hungry and give money to their members when they need financial help. I have known churches that have paid the heating or light bill not only for its members but for non members also. I can't see any reason not to give money to help the church out in its many charitable causes.



  • nowaytess

    YOur point is well taken. I have no problem donation to any good cause. In the past I was thankful of a church and it's food panties. I undestand churches must pay bills, provided for full time staff etc.

    It not against giving, it is bill collecting style many Christian denominations are using to get the money out of the memebers. I hear more sermons on tithing these days than anything else. I was infuroriated agains tthe intrim Pastor at my church that if you give less than 10% your giving is a stench in God's sight. I had enough.

    Tonight I turn on the TV to watch a Chrisitan program and gain the same apeech tithing. It rolls over in every program and sermon. Now when Pastor visit the incorpetaet it into their talks even when the subjuect is not related.

    I feel the churches have now acquited ebt they can't get out of so easily, os it is easier to cut and paste scriptures to guilt those who are Godly into giving more to make up for bad finacial mangement.

    My point was teh mandatory 10%. There is no debt owed by a christian to pay to the church 10% of an adjusted gross. I do belive a person should regular paln of giving to the church or in your case a charity. I have no problem with that.

    It is the guilt trip or promised fatih blessing that receiptant is suppose to receive. Many don't get rich, while many of the Pastors and TV evengleist are living a life which exceeds the dreams of those who give over the 10% while telling the bill collectors they must tithe over paying overdue debts.

  • Lin

    Good post! This has been something that really grates on my nerves in churches today. For some church to dictate a certain amount, without any scriptural requirement of 10%, makes me angry and suspicious. It my personal decision what to give, if anything, and to give to whomever or whatever cause I see fit. I hear ministers on the radio saying that if you don't give to the church then it's like stealing from God, etc. Bah-Hum-Bug, Bull-%#*&! I don't attend a church, and I feel no obligation to send money to any church if I don't choose to. A radio minister said just the other day that if you don't have a home church to give to, then give your 10% to "your local church" and that "it will satisfy the matter before God"! Whatever! I understand and agree with the importance of giving, whether it be to a charity of my choice, a homeless shelter, a woman's shelter, research on various deseases, etc, but it's still my choice, and not one to be dictated by some minister claiming that I'm required by God to give to some church/any church but be darn sure to give your 10%. I've never seen a scripture that mentions 10% to be given. I do remember that scripture about the poor widow who gave all she had and Jesus blessed her for doing so. So where this specific amount of 10% comes from, I don't know and I don't care. I have contributed to food banks for those in need, and have done other things as well, but no one is going to tell me that if I don't give 10% of my income to some church that God won't bless my effort in other areas of giving. I give because I WANT to give, not because someone tells me I have to.

  • heathen

    What makes me wanna puke is when these people on the tv start groveling for money when you know they are millionairs .I don't need a guilt trip just so some schmuck can live in luxury .

  • willy_think

    My opinion on Christian churches and tithing 10% is that they are just another con, run by men who use Jesus to get rich. Same old revival scam, new tent.

  • LB

    It's just another scam kids.

  • TR

    nowaytess said:

    In the past I was thankful of a church and it's food panties.

    Helluva swingin' church!


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