I saw the thread on TBN, and felt this question was a good one to pose to the board.
Tithing is being preached more and more in many christian denominiations. A Chrisitian is under obligation before anything else to give 10% of gross income to the church. Many preachers equate it from stealing from God if you don't give, to the fact your monitary offereing stenches in God's sight.
From my research tithing was only commanded to the Israel when to support teh Levites because they were not allotted land in the Promise land. Plus many were exempted from giving tithtes like widos and certain catagories of the poor.
Tithing was also done in an Agrucutural based socitiey. Jesus never demanded a tithe and not foind in the New Testment. Today the Temple does not exist not can any claims for certian they are true Levities from the tribe of Levi.
To be honest these Pastors and TV evangleiest use the tithing issue acting like bill collectors. Many of the churches and TV ministries get so over in head with debt and lashivish lifestyle many have to use spiritual threats to collect the 10% of a debt a chrisitan never owes.
I am a born Again Christian, but this practive is beginning to make me sick.