Hi Robdar,
It is not uncommon for individuals who have left an authoritarian movement to have nostalgic feelings toward the group from which they exited. Former Communists and Nazis have expressed similar thoughts. Though I never get nostalgic about the Watch Tower, there was a special camaraderie that we experienced as JWs. We were part of an elite unit facing overwhelming odds, but since God was on our side we knew that we would prevail. While I don't miss this either, several ExJWs have expressed to me alonging for the old comradeship of the Organization.
While I left in 1984, I don't recall the women in the KH that I attended wearing dowdy dresses. Most of them dressed up in the latest fashion. This may have agitated the strict constructionist elements in the congregation who were very concerned about what they considered to be the proper length of a woman's skirt. However, since I haven't attended my old KH in almost 20 years, the women there may have changed their style of dress to conform to whatever the Watch Tower dictates.
Though I don't have any warm feelings for my former religion, I do like to occasionally attend a KH or two in another state where the local JWs don't know me. I dress conservatively with a cross or an American flag pin in my lapel and act like a person interested in the JW religion. The meetings haven't changed; they are just as boring as they were when I left. But once the service is over the JWs will love bomb you. Then have some fun. Ask them questions like: What is a "system of things?" That's a term unique to the JWs, and it puts them at ease because they think that you don't have a clue about their belief structure. The JWs have fun too because they are counting time for their effort at witnessing to you.
But, Robdar, there is nothing odd or wrong with having fond memories of your former church, even an authoritarian religion like the JWs. After all the Watch Tower did train us to be effective public speakers.