Mr McClennen stated: Whoever asked her to give this form of statement was missing the point.
LOL!! Great summation to her 'expert' testimony.
by LostGeneration 221 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Mr McClennen stated: Whoever asked her to give this form of statement was missing the point.
LOL!! Great summation to her 'expert' testimony.
I think that the attorneys/investigators on the Commission are not necessarily reading this/similar site. I think we all fail to remember that if one is not inclined (vulnerable or raised into it) that the WTS nonsense reads exactly as the schlock it is. A normal, educated person, especially a lawyer, can read through the weasel words. They probably have a class in how to DELIVER nonsense, so they sure do recognize it when they see it!
They have all kinds of legal, procedural, organizational and religious stuff in front of them. They are not idiots. OTOH, they may have gotten a few clues from ex JWs as part of their research and due diligence-which they OBVIOUSLY did, as opposed to this 'expert' witness. Honestly, I don't think they'd need to be clued in by us. They have real dirt that they can use-not anecdotal, not our opinions.
Check out the big rack of volumes of hard copies the brilliant Mr. Stewart has behind him, and on his desk! He is most "prepared for the ministry!" ;-) I am trying to attach a photo of it, but that attach photo in the post isn't working for me.
Holy crap. I think we got them by the fucking balls.
OMGog. Here is the weak spot. The Achilles heel.
Nail the fuckers on the creation and distribution of child pornography. The JW system of collecting evidence and testimony from minors violates that international law. And the Catholic Church is supporting it. They want the child sex stories.
They are trying to use religious law to try to justify their sick perverted need to satisfy their need for child pornography. The evidence collecting is child pronography collecting at its basic level.
I am on this one. beer needs replenishing...I will have trouble sleeping after this.
And it is international. Collecting child sex details - written (!) - and sharing it with only MEN!
Oh please. The noose starts to tighten. This could get bloody. The streets could run red! There are people in this world that takes that kind of shit real seriously. Seriously.
The WT lawyer definitely made a big hole for himself and the WT by saying that the procedures in the elder's handbook are not always followed because there's other updates and guidance provided. Now he's been asked to provide the written guidelines that add to the Shepherd the Flock book.
That probably means all the side notes to the book, which don't appear in letters or articles. That would be interesting.
I was expecting when the JW lawyer was speaking and the guy coughing to
cough, bs, cough.
New light was coming as the JW lawyer spoke.
Birdie, I hope you do not suffer a headache in the morning!
My bad at jumping to conclude that was Toole.... It;s after 1am here and I'm a bit fuzzy.
I simply can't wait for the next hearing!