the only truly "historic" event
Not exactly Stephen Lett's idea of historic: begging for money and poor-mouthing the hard working witnesses.
Oh, the irony!!! i thought irony meant entirely made of iron. (i'm learning so much from this site) ;)
by LostGeneration 221 Replies latest watchtower scandals
the only truly "historic" event
Not exactly Stephen Lett's idea of historic: begging for money and poor-mouthing the hard working witnesses.
Oh, the irony!!! i thought irony meant entirely made of iron. (i'm learning so much from this site) ;)
I loved when they went through the article with the model on what turns someone into a pedophile.......
The Report: "Conceptualising the prevention of child sexual abuse"
The Model: "Finkelhor’s Four Preconditions Model" - starting on page 30
Here is the link: