Day 4 Looks to Be Live at Any Moment - Link...and Upcoming Witness List!

by LostGeneration 221 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jw07

    When you realise your religion screwed up big time!!!

  • OrphanCrow

    I am okay, Nonnie! I have fresh coffee less than a block away!

    These WT guys have no idea how deep the water is that they are wading in.

    They think that child sex abuse is serious? Ha! Try the distribution of child pornography - the WTS' (and with the Catholic Church support!) judical system's evidence collection is the production of pornographic material. With minors. And not only that, the religion requires it! The process shares it with other men! They make and share child pornography and call it religious right.

    Huh. Sure...they have published lots of magazines articles on child sex abuse...and told the JWs to study those articles. Grooming??

  • Listener

    They were already asked to present there documents about procedures, now they are saying there is flexibility within those procedures and they will come from the Branch Office Service desk when an Elder calls. The RC have said they havn't seen anything about that in writing and could they present it.

    Seems to me that they are either making it up as they go along and will prepare new light on their current procedures that explain how the Branch Office deals with enquiries or they were negligent in presenting the information in the first place and hid this information. I doubt it would be the second scenario because the RC would quickly recognize that they have broken the law by not presenting it in the first instance.

  • OrphanCrow

    There are International Laws in place on the production of material that concerns sex with minors.

    They have to be stopped.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Yes, noolite is on the way, back dated of course!

    Not hard to knock up a back dated BOE for say 2013 is it in about 15 minutes.

  • nonjwspouse
    Listener, it seems to be par for the course with these guys. deny deny deny , weasel and twist....but this RC is too sharp and will not allow it.
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I hope they try and pull a stunt like that (back dated BOE letter) and then get called on it.

    Pants meet ankles...

  • smiddy

    I just wonder how strong/good a catholic Dr. Monica really is?

    Is she not aware , does not know how much the Jehovah`s witnesses hate the Roman Catholic Church ?

    That the WTB&TS view the R.C.C. as the principal member of Babylon The Great The World Empire Of False Religion ? And they pray for it`s destruction at Armageddon ?

    Is she not aware of all the articles , magazines ,books , pamphlets , tracts , published by the J.W. organization condemning the R.C.C.these past 140 years for misleading people for the past 2000 years ?

    If she is aware of all these facts and she is a practicing Catholic , one must ask what sort of ethics/morals guides her .


  • OrphanCrow

    That WT lawyer's voice is oily. Smooth...

    The serpent is hissing.

    He has trouble with that forked tongue.

  • snare&racket

    They are screwed, they are going to claim a few anecdotal occurrences where they were kind enough to allow an abused victim to write a letter of her abuse to three men she knew and claim that all is well.


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