After reading about how we now have an increase in the Lord's organization, I must wonder whether we think that their data is reliable. The Society has used "theocratic stratergy" for years and lied about anything that is in their best interests. Why take ANY stock in what THEY say about anything. They're all a bunch of liars, anyway.
Would The Society Ever Lie To You?
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
Ah, those beautiful numbers called statistics! Lies and damned lies, eh?
Half the common practice of the society...along with outright lies.
To say an increase in publishers or hours within the Organisation is not a lie. The lie is.....what are the figures worldwide. 3rd world countries report increases....big deal. The question is.....why is the country in which this Organisation sprang from declining in publishers and hours spent in the ministry?
"The little one will become a thousand.....and.....the nations will stream to the mountain of Jehovah"........then ......"the thousand will become little again and the nations shall decend off the mountain". Isa. 206:14
Even if the statistics that could be reasonably accurate were in fact accurate, it still doesn't change the mess of problems hidden beneath those statistics.
Despite whatever positive spin one can put on these numbers, the problems that are dragging them down are very real and will inevitably have to be faced sometime.
....and don't forget their claimed "sifting" also, gumby!
Have they ever done anything else?
Of course they wouldn't - its not lying - its called theocratic warfare.
Yes, they have; yes, they are; yes, they will.
I have caught several DOs, COs, and elders in outright lies. The trick is to know the truth and have the facts to prove it but don't tell them you do. Then innocently ask your question and wait to see what scum floats to the top.
I love using the WTS own words against them.
Actually, this site has been a very good source of the "real truth" the elders get and the story given to the R&F.
Blondie (If it 'is impossible for God to lie, then who are these clowns imitating?)'
Hi minimus,
You asked: "Would The Society Ever Lie To You?"
I would have to answer, yes it would.
I mentioned on a different thread that I didn't believe there are 6 million JWs thruout the world.
I believe that the WTS would have it's followers believe that they are a growing religion and use that as proof that God is blessing them.
Haven't they stated in thier mags. over the years that thier (WTS) growth over the years is proof that they are Gods orginization?
If the WTS came out and said that thier message is not being accepted and they are not growing like they want to, do you think the r&f JW would feel like they were doing something important?
Would the r&f feel that what they are doing is being blessed by God?
Being at ALL the meetings thruout the week and getting out in field service as much as possible is what the WTS is all about.
If the r&f JW felt going out in service was a waste of time as noone wanted to hear thier message, would they continue doin it?
The WTS already has a hard time keeping the r&f going out in service.
No imagine being told that all the hours being put in service was a waste of time.
I think the service hours would be much less than what they are now.So would the WTS lie?
YES it would.
It does ALL the time.Remember. The WTS does NOT view lieing as wrong.
As they have stated, It's theocratic strategy.
So they do and will lie all they want if they feel it will benifit them.
Ozzie, Gumby, and Pathof thorns comments on statistics, riminds me of the old saying:
"figures don't lie, but liars figure."