pr_capone. We were obviously in greater need of spiritual food. Could you not tell by the way we laughed as we partook of it?
Computer games are from the Devil
by ignored_one 63 Replies latest watchtower bible
I think the WT has ALWAYS gone far beyond sane when it came to participation in sports and they have only gotton worse since I left.
When I was growing up as a dub we had a regular ball game every other Saturday at least between the different congergations at the local parks. It was the only fun I can remember having "church" activities wise. Asside from the 3 or 4 times a year a bunch would get together and go sking or something. I was shocked to find out after I went back that most members of the congergation never did "That" sort of thing. However an occasional "Pot-luck" at a park was acceptable. blah.
BUT!! regarding the video games.
I have issues with many of them PERIOD! So do a lot of other parents.
I would never approve of my kids playing video combat type games that were explicit showing nothing but killing people and blowing off the arms and limbs of pedestrians, blood splattering etc. I HAVE seen what a lot of those games do to the attitudes of kids and I want no part of it.
I told them when they go out and get a job and start paying rent they can go buy video games about killing everything in sight and not before.
WHY ON EARTH would ANY parent allow their self to believe
"There FUN?" Oh yeh, fun is sitting in front of a screen for hours pretending your killing people. Hmmm...
good grief.....this article is bringing up so many unpleasant memories for me....l remember how my mom would hassle my younger brother so damn much because of video games, and how she would hassle me because I liked heavy metal. No sooner would an article be published in that damned AFAKE! she would start harping on us to GET RID of all that DEMONIC stuff from her house....and out went the tapes, the books the cd's. OH how I hated not being normal!!!! DIE WATCHTOWER DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It says that impressionable people who play electronic games may have difficulty making a distinction between reality and fantasy. Well I was just talking about this the other day with Bella Goth. She was concerned about her daughter Cassandra who hasn't been feeding the fish since she got that new plasma computer for Christmas.
Well my next door neighbor, Lara Croft, stopped to remind me that I was going to be late for our good friend's wedding. So we had to postpone the conversation so I could go see our friend, Cate Archer, get married. On the way there we were delayed when the road we were taking was suddenly bulldozed to make room for a gigamall, but we eventually arrived there with time to spare. In the reception line I met the groom, Max Payne, and he was a real serious Sam, but very handsome.
Well after I got home, I called up Bella and we talked some more. She had been talking with Duke Nukem, who was really pissed he didn't get invited to the wedding BTW, and he said there was nothing to worry about. I called up Tony Hawk and told him what Duke said, and he agreed.
Well yesterday I called up Bella and she was no longer worried about Cassandra playing games on the computer. She was more concerned with her spending too much time playing with the chessboard they got. I told her not to be worried unless she starts listening to loud rock and roll or debasing disco music while she played chess, or started pretending her smurf was playing the black team.