I was looking over the thread... "Should I support Bill Bowen?"
I realize I am one of the few people that gave Bill somewhat of a difficult time pretty much from the beginning when it was not "fashionable" to do so. It was never my hope to see the man reduced to what he has, but rather to gain a better understanding of the issues involved, the intents and goals of Silentlambs and to see reasonableness govern everyone's actions in the whole affair.
IMO, I don't think there is any other single person in the last while that has done so much to help address the issue of child abuse among JW's while at the same time exposing them for what they really are. I think this man has shown an extraordinary amount of courage and kindness.
A handful of people here were "present" when an individual posted the email message that "Silentlambs had died" earlier that morning, and while it appeared to be a hoax, we were on edge for about 40 minutes until it was in fact confirmed that Bill had not died. But my heart sank at the possibility in the meantime and I thought that maybe some of us had pushed him over the edge and maybe we had gone too far.
I can't possibly imagine what it must be for him to have been consumed with the whole abuse issue while at the same time exiting the WT. To have an abuse hotline running into your bedroom and to deal with the media as well as WT idiots and their committees.
Dealing with abuse victims is no picnic sometimes and I wonder how he has any sanity left. I am relatively detatched from the issue myself and yet in the past year as we all agonized over it trying to grasp the subject I felt it even took a toll on me. And here is Bill completely surrounded almost 24/7 by a subject that centers on the worst crimes people can do to another person.
While I have criticised him harshly, I have at the same time admired the man and have worried for him. It simply was not humanly possible to sustain this kind of involvement without burning out or melting down at some point.
But still, I cannot excuse him for his serious indiscretions in recent weeks for 2 reasons. 1) He has failed to cease making the offensive remarks and 2) he fails to express and demonstrate any regret for making these remarks.
We all are held accoutable for our serious mistakes, but there is great leniency and forgiveness for those that handle them in the appropriate ways. People that have done great things and who have shown great courage are also shown extraordinary leniency and forgiveness.
But most feel the essential steps have not been taken, and due to this many of us remain confused and do not know where we stand on the subject of Bill Bowen or Silentlambs. There has been a great silence from those closest to the movement on what exactly its status is now or where it is headed.
I can't imagine the stress this all has created for Bill and his family and his associates and friends. In talking with some of these people, I sense Bill is a person that truly cares for people and I don't think he will ever stop helping people. I realize many of us have not "stepped up to the plate" for various reasons to help to the extent that might have been needed and too much fell on the shoulders of one man.
I don't think it is wrong to step back a bit for the sake of our personal lives and i don't think this crowd constantly expects sensational things from Bill Bowen. I also don't think it is a humiliating thing to admit a mistake unconditionally because we have all been there when we just lose our minds. I am hopeful Bill will someday find the courage to do what he has to do.
I just wanted to say that I was perhaps too hard on the man and that I do admire his work in helping people. We have to work at being better friends in this crowd. It is probably the best thing we can do in giving exiting JW's a nice place to visit as they make their way out of the organization on the road to freedom.