I really don't belive that Bowen has ever taken The Stand in a trial, has he? Obviously, he would be considered as having a HUGE "chip on his shoulder." He doesn't have an expert's credentials, either as an author, degreed, or mental health field. He's never suggested otherwise, btw.
Barb Anderson doesn't post on the net either..........and her written evaluations of the WT have been introduced into Court in Canada for the judge to ponder. I would think that if Barb posted here - on whatever thread - with her real name.......then the opposing side would have the right to demand an explanation. And Jehovah help her if she was less than perfect. It's not heresay....it's her written words in public. Of course, she could lie.....but again, Jehovah help her if they find out.
I agree fully, Dr. Penton's stance as an *unbiased* xjw male was hurt by his posting here - for a variety of reasons, imho. It's a shame, really -- but better to know ahead what can be uncovered by the opposing attorneys.
The opposing attorney is trained to pick apart all things if possible. That's what he looks for - that's what he's paid big bucks (or Jehovah's salvation) for doing. If he can't find anything, he'll try his lowbrow best to discredit the witness just for being human. And if he's too busy to look, well, that's why they pay legal assistants....to find the chink in the armor.
Good points, Hawk. Thank you.
edited to add: I really don't know if Bowen's testified as an expert witness or not. But if he has, then I think the last month will have muddied his background. Too bad.
Edited by - waiting on 22 November 2002 10:51:24