Fred Price a Jehovah's Witness????

by JT 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear

    Hello Beautiful,

    No more rubber checks!!!!! funny.

    So if JT, starts his ministry, think maybe you could do the administration stuff.........having an attractive blonde make an appearance every once and awhile helps the male parishoner's dig a little deeper. I will be happy to take charge of the 'collective offering's' as regular as possible.

    Will a ten percent rake even make a down payment on a Rolls?

    How about Rev James, need a couple of partner's in the lord's work?

    Praise JehessUmoremula and his Reigning Son MicahrShouldaBeen here by now.

    Assistant to the Assistant Deacon,

    BearAssGreedy the III

  • bigboi

    Here in New Orleans we have what is called the Greater St Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church.

    It's headed by a very talented and charismatic speaker called Bishop Paul S. Morton. They pratically own the entire religious scene in New Orleans. Being that goin to one of these mega-churches is kinda like the in thing now, Greater St. Stephen and it's subsidiary churches are very popular. Paul S. Morton if I am correct spawned a nationwide Full Gospel Baptist movement. Basically, what he wants to achieve is a unification of black Pentecostals and Baptists. In fact at one of his recent seminars he spoke to his audience and said that there should be no problem with a person thinking of themsleves as Pentecostal Baptists ( he was raised in the Pentecostal Faith).

    What amazes me is the lavish lifestyle these guys are able to afford and the fact that they experience very little shame associated with it. There was one guy whom was appointed a Bishop in the association of churches at the young age of 25. His name is Darryl S. Brister and he is a very talented, dynamic speaker. I've seen some of his sermons and I have to give it to him he's good, very good. At last count the guy had 8 cars including at least one Bentley and a (u guessed it) Rolls Royce. He being the youngest Bishop appointed by the Church. Bishop Wiley who presides over the West Bank Cathedral (not a catholic church) recently purchased for his teenage daughter a Lexus SUV. U can imagine what he drives personally.

    Religion has always been about money and the preachers are always gonna get theirs.

  • DannyBear

    Hey Big,

    Back in the early 80's several tv evangelists came under severe scrutiny, the investigative firm I was working for at the time was involved in the mess.........a long story short was that we had many meetings with the 'money men' from Canada and the US on golf courses, airport saloon's, mansions in the hills, who were willing to pay big bucks to control/stifle the damages.

    Your observations are so right on.

    Of course there are alway's a minority of sincere guys, who really try and provide a service, but most preacher's, select thier congregation based on what they can pay. Just like any other form of employment.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    We have our own little scandal going on right now, here, in this lovely desert where I live.

    Seems the pastor of the largest church in the Coachella Valley has had to resign because of allegations of mishandling money that was donated to one of his nonprofit organizations. David Moore, lead pastor of Southwest Community Church in Indian Wells has also been accused of having an affair with a married parishioner. A photo showing Moore, Moore's wife, and the aforementioned parishioner, shows them naked in a hot tub. Interestingly, the photo was taken by the husband of the other woman.

    The other couple are now embroiled in a nasty divorce and the husband alleges that his wife was having an affair with Pastor Moore. The photo was taken two years ago and now has surfaced because of divorce proceedings.

    Related to the mishandling of money there are many accusations. Nonpayment of sales taxes for the sale of tapes and books. A donated Mercedes that Moore transferred title to himself personally. Yesterday, the guy resigns from his $250,000. a year position.

    I wonder if he will have to sell his Condo in Hawaii?


  • outoftheorg

    Ole Fred Price sort of resembles ole Sadam Husein of Iraq.

    Wonder if they are related? Nah.


  • avishai

    So, he has a rolls? The guy has nothin' on the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. That dude had over 60!!! C'mon fred, catch up already!

  • Brummie
    well you put it best when you called 16,000 folks belief system : "hogwash"

    I know another 6 million that imho also believe hogwash.

    are you saying that those who follow his views are NOT SERVING GOD CORRECTLY??



    Fine! like you, I guess I got some hogwash in my way of thinking too.

    so belief systems go off proclaiming WE GOT THE INSIDE TRACK TO GOD AND YOU DON'T

    Well thats a belief system I personally do not embrace neither does my belief system include that sort of conclusion.

    Fred Price is as destructive as most other cults, when you have picked up the pieces of someones life that has been hurt by his "belief system" then you may realise that calling it "hogwash" is not dishing out something as offensive as what he dishes out. Then again, I guess 2 wrongs dont make a right so I'll retract the hogwash word for the sake of keeping the peace.

    one man hogwash is another man's salvation

    One mans hogwash can also be another mans killer. Fred Price discourages medication and views disabled people as being weak in faith, this causes people pain.


  • FrankRaven

    Fried Price?He has a rich church out on the Crenshaw dist out in Los Angels....Front seats in the church will cost you $1,000.He knows that religion is one of the biggest business around.

  • Satanus

    Fred Price discourages medication and views disabled people as being weak in faith, this causes people pain.

    The faith word doctrine boils down to not needing medical help for faithful ones. Only faith lackers need doctors. They believe that disease has no right in the faithful's body. So, w a word and faith he can renounce it, it must leave. In the church i attended, the pastors wife had a cold for over a week, but she denied she had it. I asked the pastor why she would do that. He responded that it was an way of 'exercising' her faith. That was the end of my attenance there. Nevertheless, i have to say that they did have some kind of positive spiritual power.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 28 November 2002 0:10:3

  • Zechariah


    You got to love this guy he has no SHAME IN HIS GAME

    Thats because he has nothing to be ashamed of. Fred Price is an amazingly wise man of faith who greatly inspires, educates and entertains every week his viewers.

    Since I stopped going to JW meetings Fred Price on TV has been my source of biblical instruction. My current beliefs about man being physically embodied spirit creatures, salvation by faith and not by works, and the power of faith was inspired by him. He has keen insight on the scriptures. He closes every sermon with "we walk by faith and not by sight.

    None of this is anything an unbeliever will ever appreciate. It no use for a unbeliever to try to comprehend why Fred Prices ministry is so well supported. None of his churches members feel cheated. Fred has provided his members with treasures worth far more than gold.

    Believe me JT, no unbeliever can fake faith enough to be successful to have the positive impact on people as Fred does.

    Freds Series of sermons a couple years ago on Race and Religion was the most inspiring and courageous work done by a religious figure in modern times. It is now a three volume set of books all should read. Theres a lot there about the genetics involved in the develpment of the races.

    The fact is is for Adam to have fathered all races he had to have mid range genetics and Eve would naturally have the same genetics as she was made from his flesh.
    They would terefore have bee of necessity mid range black people.

    To father all extremes of colors an characteristics the each had to have X+Y chromosomes.

    The man deserves all the good things hes got. Hes obtained them in the same way he educates others they can recieve anything with faith.

    Unbelievers can not have any notion of the difference in a JW, Rev. Ike, Daddy Grace or Fred Price. Its all the same to them. A bunch of believers in a book written by a bunch of sheep herders. Never will they comprehend how special a man Fred Price really is. And can that man dress.


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