Fred Price a Jehovah's Witness????

by JT 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zechariah
    Fred Price discourages medication and views disabled people as being weak in faith, this causes people pain

    This is a grossly untrue statement about Fred Price. Fred often comments how well he cares for his health and visits his doctor.

    He very often during his sermons calls his doctor to give expert testimony on technical matters.

    Unbelievers cannot differentiate believers beliefs as its all the same to them. But the reality is they all are very different.


  • Brummie

    Was I being grossly untrue Zech?

    "how can you glorify God in your body, when it doesn't function right? How can you glorify God? How can He get glory when your body doesn't even work?What makes you think the Holy Ghost wants to live inside a body where He can't see out through the windows and He can't hear with the ears? What makes you think the Holy Spirit wants to live inside of a physical body where the limbs and the organs and the cells do not function right?"
    (Fredrick K.C. Price, "Is God Glorified Through Sickness?" audiotape #FP605.)

    That is gross !


  • Zechariah
    Was I being grossly untrue Zech?
    "how can you glorify God in your body, when it doesn't function right? How can you glorify God? How can He get glory when your body doesn't even work?What makes you think the Holy Ghost wants to live inside a body where He can't see out through the windows and He can't hear with the ears? What makes you think the Holy Spirit wants to live inside of a physical body where the limbs and the organs and the cells do not function right?"
    (Fredrick K.C. Price, "Is God Glorified Through Sickness?" audiotape #FP605.)

    That is gross!

    What you said about Fred not believing in medical treatment has no bearing at all on the quotation you quoted. That statement remains definitely untrue regardless of how anybody percieves what he said on audiotape.

    Your quotation though is totally out of context with what Fred obviously meant. Certainly he was not criticizing anyone with physical ailments as if they are unworthy. I have heard Fred many time say seemingly shocking things on the surface to get peoples attention and then fully clarify his meaning. I am certain he did just this on the remainder of the tape.

    It is already obvious to me that he only meant to show how anyone that God adopts as a son he desires all good things for them. He promises them that by the exercise of faith they can combat poverty, sickness, pain and all other maladies placed upon them by Satan. We can bind Satan by the name of Christ.

    Any unbeliever will find what he was saying to be impossible, presumptuous, or cruel as you did. t is your desire to discredit belief and believers that prompts this perception.

    God truly does not desire his vessels to be sick and impaired and will provide us with healing if by faith we claim it.

    Right on Fred... I believe...


  • JT
    Will other's not worshiping my god, be saved? If the answer is yes, then who really cares what god or belief you have, everyone is foot loose and fancy free to do whatever they please. Yet how many 'true believer's, honestly answer this question? Iam afraid when push comes to shove, Allah is not acceptable to Christians or vice versa.

    and this is the question i ask every jw i speak to or any other person who stops me on the street to sell me their brand of: "We got the Hookup to God, and YOU DON'T"

  • JT
    Well, Mr. Price caught my attention one particular morning when he was berating his "flock" about tithing and rubber checks

    yes this was the show were he addressed DO YOU PAY ON THE NET OR GROSS

    you got to love it

  • JT
    How about Rev James, need a couple of partner's in the lord's work?

    o yes we always need likeminded folks in THE "LARD"

    that's right not the lord-- but THE "LARD"

    WE could setup a TBN network - smile

  • JT
    What amazes me is the lavish lifestyle these guys are able to afford and the fact that they experience very little shame associated with it

    when you stop and think about it - one can really understand, consider that the wt took the exact opposite veiw on money-

    we TALKED DOWN so much we all knew that any bro who was flashy was dogged- while we secretly wanted his cash we all knew that Sustance and covering was the wt way-

    THE word materialistic is some well ingrained in the avg jw head it ain't funny

    consider what we consider a blessing from god- not a better job, promotion, new home, college education - O NO we consider a guy who quits a powerful 70 hour a week job for $120,000 a yr take a parttime job working nights and pioneering as being SUCCESSFUL that is the concept of a successful jw, while we personally may have thought he was foolish rarely would any jw during lunch at the convention make that comment instead we would commend him for being like MARY HE CHOSE THE BEST PORTION

    on the otherhand these belief systems like Fred Price they do the opposite

    they TALK UP MONEY

    in fact they consider ones doing well as a sign of god hooking you up - smile

    one lady here at work told me - she would not want to belong to a church were the misnistry didn't live and drive a fancy car and home, cause he is showing me what god will give me by being a good christain like he gave to the pastor

    it is all about CONDITIONING FOLKS MINDS

  • JT
    A photo showing Moore, Moore's wife, and the aforementioned parishioner, shows them naked in a hot tub. Interestingly, the photo was taken by the husband of the other woman.

    Yesterday, the guy resigns from his $250,000. a year position.


    that is alot of money considering where it is coming from, religion is indeed big biz all the way

    as one big time preacher here in wash dc told me

    we know that everything is not always on the up andup ,but we offer in this case black folks HOPE so i veiw what i do as providing folks with HOPE

    SO I asked him does it matter if the hope is false - he looked me straight in they eye and said NO-

    then he tried to used some Flunky illustration on me- suppose a plane crash and you know that no one is coming toget you and you all will die, do you tell the passager and they panic or do you continue to give them hope

    it is this type of mindset that is so sad

  • JT
    The guy has nothin' on the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. That dude had over 60!!! C'mon fred, catch up already!

    o yea i forgot

    whatever happened to this guy - was he deported by to india

  • JT
    Never will they comprehend how special a man Fred Price really is

    i had made a bet with my wife that someone on this site has to be a loyal Fred fan

    and i knew it was only a matter of time

    thanks Zec

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