Thanks to all for your words of wisdom and support here.
It's not an easy situation at all. That account, as long as it is, doesn't even begin to touch on the details of the situation. So complicated. I know that I'm being walked on, etc, that's why I mention the codependancy issues. Things are moving along, however.
To answer a few specific questions:
Kelpie: It's not my nature to be mean or worse, to not care. I'm trying though.
SPAZnik: I'm sure I'm making it easier and comfortable for her. Given what I know about her, I fear for her should she be out on her own.
Mum: I'm not sure how I'm belittling her in this situation. Maybe you could elaborate a bit more. Perhaps spell out the big words for me.
Happysunshine: I'm not afraid of divine retribution for divorce, not at all. I wouldn't say I'm enjoying being the saint/martyre/masochist...none of this is fun. But I do care what happens to her.
chevysntats: funny...those exact words went through my head last night, though I didn't verbalise them. Strip club...lap dance....things I've never experienced. I might just give you a ring though.