I put a question mark on this cuz I don't know where to turn. I have confirmed and she has admitted to three affairs in our eight years of marriage. I don't know if I could ever trust her again. Man, this SUCKS! I originally had planned a diatribe against her in this forum that Simon would have had to lock because of profanity. I've calmed down a bit since then. Three affairs...one while she was crying about wanting to come home to me from NYC.
I once turned down a gal in Germany that showed me her thong under her dress, took me by the hand and led me into a bathroom in an empty office over lunch and said I could do whatever I wanted. I thanked her and turned her down cold. Females, explain to me why women have affairs.
sign me hurt and confused, and thanks for allowing me to dump,
to tie this into the JW topic, while riding to work every day she talks to a "sista" about our relationship, wonder what kind of advice she's getting about her "opposser husband"