I am not by any stretch of the imagination a 'Watchtower apologist.' Your recent assessment of me in this regard not only missed the bullseye but strayed so far off course it almost hit innocent onlookers. ;-)
Then why am I giving the Watchtower Society unbiased treatment by (gulp) pointing out their positive aspects not just accentuating the negative?
Easy. In fact the answer is a no brainer that you of all people should easily grasp.
I simply believe in and thus feel compelled to advocate a balanced viewpoint. You know, the type of viewpoint we as once obedient-to-the-WTS JWs were taught that all sincere seekers of the truth should have?
Well guess what Farkel.
I decided to unpackage the deal and take the balanced viewpoint and ditch the blind obedience. This came with a price because true balance means the divestiture of egotistical bias.