Hi everyone. I've really missed you all so much. November 26 was my birthday. I missed you guys on that day. I missed having people say Happy Birthday like they do when they know someone here is another year older.
minimus started a thread a while back, when I was here for a few days, about what this board means and if you thought the people here were your friends. I've been here a while, and have told some of my stories to you, but I haven't been totally honest. I've tried to act cheerful, and offered advice to a few. Told some jokes, posted some of my favorite songs. Mainly acted like I was ok, and most was right with the world. I've always been a cynical person, and after losing my job last year due to corporate(greed)bankruptcy, and consequently losing my car, and my apt., and feeling that the world is one big cesspoll.....I have been so down....broke....having to take care of two boys alone....having a long distance relationship that has been wracked with financial and health problems. I truly thought we'd never be together....well, it almost got me.
But, the truth is, this board has saved my life.LITERALLY. More than once. The people here are amazing. There were times when I was on the brink. Too overwhelmed to even go on another day. I actually thougth of death as a welcome thing. I spent 8 hours in the ER with a psych dr one night, because I was truly at the point of no return. Maybe you say I have no life, or that I'm really screwed up. You may be right. I feel so disconnected from the human race. I never feel like I fit in. "Here" is where I feel at home. It's so ironic and sad that the thing "they" wanted the most....for me to detach myself from the world, is actually what has happened. (Was the brainwashing that strong??? Or did I do this to myself?) Questions....questions.....
Anyway....for anyone that says that this board is just for "fun", or that it's a way to pass the time, and that the people here can't be trusted, or can't be your "real" friends....I say to you.....not true. I have come to this board, read heartwarming posts, sad posts, loving posts, even the flaming ones...and they have saved my life......YOU have saved my life.
This board is powerful......and I am truly happy I found it....or I might not be here now....