This board means more than you think.....

by Tatiana 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    Wind, I got your email. Look for mine. Xena! I missed you! I was hoping you were still here. I'll email you a #.

    Spaz, thank you for understanding. I know that I AM probably screwed up, and most likely will stay that way......but better to be like I am than like a puppet, right? I'm being careful and aware of signs that I'm sinking too far. Some days are good...

    LDH...thanks for the birthday wish. I haven't been lurking, just without a computer. Believe me, if I'd had a computer, I'd have been running my mouth! LOL

    I really want to thank Simon and Ang for not only starting this "place", but of actually taking the time and effort to participate in our lives...problems...temper tantrums....etc. A lot of site owners just put up a site and leave. Check in every once in a while to make sure people are still posting. I know that's not the case here.

    I'm glad I found you all.



  • Jesika


    I had goose bumps all over reading your 1st post. I am so glad you didn't end your life, you have alot to give!!

    I was once in that same frame of mind, and I am glad I didn't go through with it either.

    I love this board. It has put me in touch with people who REALLY understand me and where I come from. I have made many friends here and plan on being on this board for a long time.

    I also wanted to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday!!!

    Just remember when you hit a rough spot, we are here for you when you need us!!

    Love to everyone here!!!


    Edited by - jesika on 18 January 2003 4:22:8

  • Tatiana

    Hi Jes....

    You are right about finding people who really understand. A few people I know have tried to make me feel like I'm insane for coming here at all. I had someone tell me it was stupid. And that the people here should just "let it go" and get on with their lives. I thought about that, and wondered why I couldn't. (Well, there are too many reasons for that!)

    But, I realized that we need each other. Whether we admit it or not, we really do.

    Is that your real pic? If it is, I LOVE your red hair!!! :)


  • Jesika


    I have been out of the borg for 12yrs now. I still can't "get over it" completely. I was brainwashed and abused for 15 yrs. So, I think it takes a long time to "get over it".

    I have had the chance to meet people here at some of the apostofests and have loved it!!! Even if I don't call them everyday or even every month, I know they are there if I need someone to talk to that understands some of the feeling I have that I can't explain, not even to my boyfriend who I share most everything with. So, to "get over it" is easy to say but very hard to do, especially for those who spent the greater part of their lives "in".

    Yes that is my pic, but my hair is dyed red (I like it though), I am a natural blonde/light brown. I like the red too, thank you, most ask me if it is natural cause it goes well with my complextion.

    Is that your pic??? You look very pretty if that is your pic!!



    edited to add----you look red headed too, is it natural??

    Edited by - jesika on 18 January 2003 16:39:55

  • Valis

    Jes, what are you doing on the computer? Shouldn't you be "welcoming" Alex home?

    A few people I know have tried to make me feel like I'm insane for coming here at all.

    Just remind them they might be insane for not looking..ehehHave a good day April.


    District Overbeer

  • onacruse

    Hi April! I apparently joined the forum shortly after you started your "sabbatical."

    Looking forward to getting to know you better.


  • Jesika


    He came home yesterday, and I already turned in my "time slip" LOL.

    Remember I have my son on Friday night till Sunday night every weekend. So, after yesterday, I have to recover.

    *waiting for April to respond to ? about pic and hair*


  • Tatiana

    Jes. Yes. I am a natural redhead. And that is my pic. Although I have some grey now. Looking at you, I would think you were too. Your coloring is perfect. Thanks for the encouragement. I think I'll stay "insane", Valis!!

    onacruse....I think I was here when you were. I seem to remember some beautiful ballooning pics. If I'm not mistaken, that was you. Of course, I'm "insane", so I could be wrong! LOL



  • Shakita


    I'm sorry to hear of all your troubles. Please never give up. Even when life seems hopeless, make sure to turn to someone you can trust to pour your heart out to. Being in the Wt really screws with your head. What we have gone through is just as intense emotionally and mentally as suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Sometimes this board can be just the right thing to get you through a tough time. It was good that you sought psychiatric help when things had reached a crisis stage. Please know that we care and are always willing to listen and offer our support.

    Mr. Shakita

  • onacruse

    April, now I know why I don't remember head was out on cloud nine in that balloon! But I'm all better now. LOL


    PS: What part of Oregon did Randy escape? Katie and I live in Portland.

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